Shattered Glass...and Red Candles
It is 11pm, really 10pm but because of the arcane tradition of daylight savings time we are forced to think it is an hour ahead than it really is. JD is in the other room having a particularly loud tourettes episode (me and eric have concurred that JD much have a non-vulgar form of tourettes). Moto is crawling all over desk and hardware--but really I came on hear to talk about SHATTERED GLASS.
Do not believe that Hayden Christiensen is a bad actor b/c of his bloody wooden turn in THE ATTACK OF THE CLONES. I am a original STAR WARS nut, so much fo the point that I have a tattoo, but believe me when I say that GEORGE LUCAS has compleletly ruined one of the greatest sci-fi epics of all time. Bastard.
Anyway, SHATTERED GLASS is both restrained yet overwhelmingly desperate. CHRISTENSEN plays real-life fabricator Stephen Glass with a pathetic quiet that rips at your heart and forces the back of the throat to dry with uneasiness. As far as the female characters--they are disposable and even more restrained in their personalization. The two main female roles (CHLOE SEVIGNY and some other girl that was in COYOTE UGLY) are easily silenced by their male counterparts. The real gems come in the aforementioed CHRISTENSEN and supporting actors PETER SAARSGARD and HANK AZARIA who both play editors to Glass. SAARSGARD is the most heart-wrenching portrayal, as a new editor seeking approval and the need to show his loyalty to his writers. But when Glass' story about a hacking convention is exposed, SAARSGARD's character must throw away all he hopes to gain to show the truth where Glass has created fiction.
***end of notes for my next WHAT YOU SHOULD BE***
THE DESERT SESSIONS--featuring the likes of JOSH HOMME, TWIGGY RAMIREZ and the lover-ly PJ HARVEY is spellbinding! So much fun and just a great little rock record.
"Miss Takes" by HORRORPOPS is NO DOUBT delicious...the hook is easily memorized and made for repeated playings. JD is way more into the other bands put on a specially made CD for me by Ms. Irate, indeed, a CD of what she wants her band to sound like. A band that I will hope to join greatly, ready to fight tooth and nail to get something going with the likes of J to the Rizzock, Elisha and Lil John. Not quite rockabilly, garage rock, lo fi pop fuzziness is how I would describe it. If that makes even one bit of sense.
So my sorta friends (I call them sorta b/c they are really Stefan and Ry The Scot's friends--but every once in awhile I get to hang with them) Wayne (BRITISH!!! ACCENT!!!) and Beth just moved into their newly built house in NORTHERN LIBERTIES, the uber arty area of Philly that has Ze Brickthrower's name written all over it. The house is bloody gorgeous...I spent a few hours drinking wine and enjoying the fresh surroundings. Today was such a bust...we were supposed to see the Phillies game but the weather was such shite that we ended up going there, getting our free food, walking the entire length of the park and leaving. We didn't even stay to see if the game was called. The wet and the cold was enough for us. I have to work at Ze Comic Shop the next 2 Saturdays so I can have off for the Pitt Con.
On top of that, I'm already set to obsess about next week for this week, as my co-worker is taking the week off, the very same week that my other co-worker leaves for another job. Joy. I'll be poppin' tranqs like candy hoping that I don't bash my own head in with my keyboard. I had to stay late on Friday and managed to get my 4th straight week of overtime. I'm also starting a budget which will either finally come together or fail miserably like so many other things I've tried.
I want to go see the 'rents in 2 weeks. And I want to get Kell or Stefan to come out with me. Its much more fun when I have someone along to veg with. Plus I would like to go to Harrisburg and see the cool clubs that my sister doesn't work at. Nothing against her--I wish she could come out too. But her bar is like HIGH SCHOOL DANCE V.5.0 Ugh. I need a cigarette. And some proper motivation. And the will to go outside...
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