

So last nite was hella fun and completely free, as promised. I ended up meeting up with Stefan at his house. We had to drive up to the NE, b/c I left my phone @ his hockey game (after me and Jackie had a 20 min. convo about losing phones--insane) and someone turned it in so I WAS VERY LUCKY. Then we went to Rae and Leah's new place which is shaping up to be quite nice, although the stairs still scare the shite outta me. Jackie and her brother's girlfriend Nicki came and picked us up (thus leaving my car in Northern Liberties) and we went to BAR NOIR.

BAR NOIR was stellar. Music-wise it was pretty lame. It started with some great 80's but slowly deteriorated to hip hop. The walls were all painted with fake magazine ads, skulls and other interesting things. Turns out Jackie painted them--very cool. We had a lot of fun just getting trashed. The crew took me home so then of course this morning I woke up late (9.30am), but had received money from Stefan for a cab, so took one over to my car and got to work half an hour late. Bran was cool about it and paid me in full regardless. Good Man!

JD, Neary and Dane met me in KOP and we ate and saw KILL BILL Vol. 2 which I totally loved. It wasn't nearly as action-packed...but the story was so fun! I really liked DARYL HANNAH's character in it, and GORDON LIU's Pei Mei was probably my favorite part of the film. The entire scene was shot like a samurai film--absolutely classic.
Some of my favorite parts: the ending credits that show all the names that THE BRIDE killed being crossed out with the exception of ELLE (Hannah), who only gets a question mark/the 5 point exploding heart technique/Budd and his white trash spit can (JD had no idea what it was!!!)/the entire PEI WEI instructional scene--complete with crazy-fast extreme close ups and silly dialogue/contemplating who deserved to die more--BILL or THE BRIDE...

So yes, I've been wound up today. I'm majorly depressed b/c I was all set to go out and visit my parents next weekend but JD just reminded me today that this upcoming weekend is the DYNAMIC FORCES fan show/dinner with comic creators. As fun as it sounds--I really miss my fam and won't be able to go the week after either as we're going to PITT that weekend. Needless to say I'm being a pathetic little baby b/c I wanted to see me mum and Shell and everyone. I'm gonna start crying if I think about it anymore.

Ok, I'm gonna publish this bad boy and write a new post for my BELOVED SIDNEY news...

PS:Some closing thoughts:
+Digi Cable's 80's station is beyond sappy, but they did play "rock me amadeus"
+THE FLYERS won today against the devils, advancing them to the STANLEY CUP FINALS. Kickass!!
+Me and JD discussed the same fight we have over and over again and I think we understand each other better. I'm going to try to not "fix" every situation I think is bothering him and just agree with him or let him vent. He needs that--and I need to stop mothering everyone around me.

+++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


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