
I have been Her Kind...

I’m at work and bored as hell. Either the EDI send system is down, or no one is making any bookings. And since I have a minion to do my dirty work for me, I’m sitting here trying to look busy. Typing an email always helps (which is what it looks like I’m doing; actually just gonna copy and paste this bad boy into the blogger window when I’m done).

Anyway, Moto was dropped off today for her spaying. Then they called to let me know she has tapeworms or ringworms or some gross thing that I’m really upset about b/c she hasn’t been in contact with any other animals or been outside. So how ze fuck she got it, I don’t know. The price of this medical shite for her is more than was expected this pay—I have to see if I can set up a payment plan with them. I’m really hoping I can or else I’m screwed for the next week or so.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. IRATE and ZERO!!!! Tonight we’re going to FRIDAYS to celebrate J to the Rizzock’s b-day. I’m only having one drink and buying Jaime one shot. BUDGET BABY BUDGET!!! It should be fun though. Lefty Joves and Keg-Leg will be reprezentin the pirate crew!!! Yarrrr!

I just feel out of it today. Its all cloudy and I got in late. I feel like I’m starting to get the haze. The Haze is my pre-cursor to a nice little crash that means depression for me. I tend to cycle and hanging with MILLAR and that stuff was mos def a HIGH point. So now tis time to hit rock bottom. This of course is only a prediction; if I had any way of knowing who/what caused my cycling then I would surely be able to help myself better. Or maybe I do but just choose not to recognize any sort of power b/c in the back of my mind: I love being insane and scarred with these fucked-up things. It makes me feel real.

*In Other News*
+Donna seems a little down today but I am not at my top game when it comes to being a nice person so I’m just keeping quiet.
+Stefan bought DISCOVERY on vinyl. And I paid for my DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP on vinyl so hopefully I will be receiving that bad boy soon.
+tried to email both BILL JEMAS and MILLAR but have had no luck either finding contact addy’s—or getting CORRECT addresses when I do find them. SUCK!

++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


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