
When I wrote this: 4.26.04-2AM Riki and Ms. Irate's Birthday
The orange and white bottles
call to me across this beigne and neutral room
from an ancient drawer.
We might have to guess @ the number of bottles,
the colors of pills
The Co-pay vs. Generic
A Pink one for the cold
A white square for "the move"
A white oval for the pain
A yellow circle for the every day life that I'm too fragile to live
w/o help (and all those supplements are not enough--I still rely on other things)
{To KEEP ME HI!!!!}
When does cliche become cool?
When will the mirror image of my mirror image
realize the secret of the dyed hair, the pale skin, the eccentricity...

I don't just hate the girl with ego. I want to be her.
+++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++++


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