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Tagged by Tommy

PITT CON fun...Tommy Castillo makes art of my skin.
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I hate myself and I want some SPACED

I am so sick of myself. I have 2 conventions coming up and NO MONEY. Do I ever have any money? No of course not. That would require such things as will power, self control, A BUDGET...all things I've never been able to pull off longer than a month, if that. So I'm pouty, and miserable, and Spooky is an absolute doll for putting up with me when I'm like this.

I guess its official. I really dig Spooky. (that's the only thing that's official...i'm not being cryptic honestly)

I just want to go home and put on SPACED, watch both seasons and pass out. Don't think that my HOUSE obsession has gone away--there is a difference in them in that I've seen every eppy of SPACED and so therefore have the comfort factor going on. HOUSE I have to make sure I pay attention to everything that goes on b/c its the first time around. There is a method to my madness.

Thanks for all the kind words and support for my new column. I'm really glad to see it getting such a good response. Makes my day.
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A Brick to the Teeth #1 <==clickable link

My new column has started up on Buzzscope.com, a little thing I like to call A BRICK TO THE TEETH. My first interview couldn’t have been better, CULLY HAMNER is an absolute god and really made the concept shine. So check it out! Its been over a year since I’ve been a comic book journalist, and I’m back baby! CLICK on the link above and you're all set.

Thins are rockin’ and rollin’—tonight Spooky is coming over and we’re gonna hit up Sugar Moms for cheap burgers. I want a Shirley temple dammit! Went out dancing last night and it was hella fun…but I drank WAY too much. Indeed.
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Save a cat...strangle Harvey Keitel [film reviews]

[pictured DOCTOR WHO]

1-HELL (thailand)This was my only PHILLY FILM FEST viewing, but it was pretty damn worth it. Within the first 5 minutes all the major characters are killed off and send to (yep! You guessed it!) Hell. The visuals in this film are stunning. Witness the deepest pits of sin and despair, and the lovely punishments that await you for such things as alcoholism, adultery, and lying. The story becomes more of a struggle for the characters to find their way out of their fate, and the realization of their actions; but the journey along the way is quite a masterpiece.

2-TWO EVIL EYES directed by GEORGE ROMERO and DARIO ARGENTO. This film takes 2 masters of horror and lets them "go off" so to speak on EDGAR ALLEN POE tales. It turns out the ARGENTO had planned a horror anthology series with more than just ROMERO; he wanted to adapt POE's stories of horror with the likes of WES CRAVEN and STEPHEN KING as well. When CRAVEN and KING didn't contribute, ROMERO and ARGENTO produced this 2-part film. ROMERO's half is first, and not that impressive in story. He does "THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF MR. VALDEMAR," and while I did jump a couple times the story really just didn't take me anywhere. ARGENTO's offering is far more satisfying; THE BLACK CAT is a more faithful story and pretty darn interesting with HARVEY KEITEL playing ROD USHER (there are other POE references within this part of the film as well); a man with a penchant for crime photography and cat strangulation. I really recommend this movie to horror and E.A. POE fans.

3-2001 MANIACS--this is a modern take on HG LEWIS' classic 2001 MANIACS!, a masterpiece in cannibalism and country-bumpkin horror. This remake may have had a bigger budget, but its story leaves something to be desired. The redeeming parts of this film are quite redeeming indeed: GIUSEPPE ANDREWS and ROBERT ENGLUND give great performances, and the references to LEWIS' original film actually make this movie watchable. If you haven't seen the 1st film then you will probably run away screaming, but having the knowledge of the first film is all you need to have a hoot and a holler with 2001 MANIACS. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN BITCHES! (and I've now added GIUSEPPE ANDREWS to my long list of secret boyfriends)

4-DEMONS (Ital. horror)--like DEMONS 2, but in a movie theater. Demons make me sick.

5-DOOR INTO DARKNESS--ARGENTO murder-mystery. DARIO hosted this 2-part film. I love Dario's hair. The point is the story, the 2nd one was good, the 1st one I fell asleep on. I dig on ARGENTO's thrillers just as much as his horror. He tells a good story. Nuff said.

6-CHOPPING MALL (originally titled KILLBOTS). This is the classic 80's horror flick. Robots, thought to make a mall MORE protected, end up killing alot of horny teenagers. Pretty damn funny--good movie to play "spot the 80's cliches" to, and notice the couple from EATING RAOUL at the beginning of the film.

**bonus: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK season 1 and DOCTOR WHO**
I *heart* ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK but I *heart* "The Doctor" even more. I've been watching both of these series alot. TOM BAKER is a god.
Another doctor I like? Dr. GREGORY HOUSE. I'm now downloading 4.6 gigabytes, 12 eppy's of Season 2. Rock and Roll.

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Jupiter was aligned with Pluto!!!

Have you HOUSE'd today kittlings? I checked this morning—and my 6 episodes are at 61%. I figure by tomorrow night I will once again be consuming HOUSE @ an alarming rate and then going after Season 2. When that is done, what will I have but dreams of my new secret boyfriend to keep me sane? Yes, me and Hugh are talking about eloping in Italy very soon. It’s been a whirlwind romance—and his publicist is none to kind to our affair as Hugh is a married man. Mere scruples in a LOVE such as ours. I was destined to be with a crippled doctor that affects an American accent. Its in the stars dammit!!!

I have started using SoulSeek for music downloads and that’s working out pretty nicely. Got a couple mixes of “never win” and “technologic” that I hadn’t heard. Trying to get this Audio Bullys song that someone tipped me off to but it’s sketchy.

My first column is due Monday and it’s kinda nice to have that pressure on me once again. Rev Dave is hooking up my header graphic, just waiting on my final answers to the interview and then I’m putting the whole thing together by Saturday. By Sunday I hope to turn in the entire thing and I can officially say I’m a working comic book journalist again. Not that I’m getting paid…but just you wait kittlings—if all goes as planned I shall have some greater things planned for this comic book stuffies.

Nothing much has really been going on besides working on ze column and downloading like a mad woman. I can’t believe my first comic book convention in a year is set for 2 weeks. And in 3 weeks I’ll be back in Toronto—perhaps my favorite vacation spot since London. I’m just super psyched to start this facet of my life again. I’ve been out of the loop and hankering for some real fangirl geek-out fun!!!

As for the myspace not working @ work—I have found a back door. Its not perfect—but I’ll take what I can get.
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