Dear Livejournal:
You suck.
Sadie Hexicidal.
Yesterday I actually caught myself up and attempted one HUGE ASS entry on LJ. It was about all kinds of stuff. What I did this weekend, what’s been going on with me and J Jonah, stuff I’m getting done, books I’m reading/read, etc and so on. Its fucking gone. So I throw my hands up, realize that BLOGGER rules the school with posting –AND- pictures so all I’m saying is, I’m more guarded about the personal things, and hoping to start over b/c this blog has been almost a year running and it would be a shame to lose it.
HATERZ be damned.
So, lemme see. On Saturday me mum called me to make sure that me and J Jonah weren’t on the rocks as my daddy took my sudden decision to drive up to my parents last weekend as a sign of trouble between me and Mon Cheri. And in truth—we had quite the squabble on Saturday but it ended up ok. I’m not ever going to change him. I can’t pretend like I think this will happen. But if he thinks that I’m ever going to be so happy that I’ll never get sad and cry again, well that’s just CRAZY TALK. Me and J Jonah went out to KOP for some dinner, a movie, and some shopping. I bought myself some incense and some pants while he picked up a shirt for me and paid for the date stuff; he also picked up the DONNIE DARKO special edition tin with a necklace which I’m wearing right now b/c I wish I was a superhero or something. And it didn’t even matter than I did want to go to my parents (which was for meditative purposes only—my own personal safe house) b/c I ended up staying home. This weekend A-Unit and Keg Leg are supposed to join me for a visit.
We saw CONSTANTINE, which was decent. Words cannot describe the pleasure that the huge VERTIGO logo gave me as it appeared before the movie started. No huge DC comics logo—INDIE LABEL REPRAZENT! Of all the Vertigo shite I’ve picked up, HELLBLAZER has never been one of them…and it’s a shame b/c Vertigo’s finest have all written it. And although KEANU REEVES is no JOHN CONSTANTINE, he wasn’t terribly annoying either. The story was excellent in the way that it wasn’t an origin story—just what Hollywood needs to realize right now—movie-goers don’t’ need an origin story to “get it.” If you want to know more about PAPA MIDNITE and his past, well bloody pick up the comix then!! And although PETER STROMARI was a disgusting and detestable LUCIFER, he was not my Vertigo LUCIFER than I have become accustomed to, impeccable with his blond/white hair and tuxedo. And TILDA SWINTON was awesome. Me and her need to fuse our gene together, if only to make the perfect not-too-pale redhead hybrid.
I had 2 goals this past weekend—both of which I accomplished. I wrote my I <3 HUCKABEES review and finished the printouts for my TRANSMET table. See below for the finished product—well almost finished. Here’s how I made it in case anyone cares:
1-Scanned in my favorite panels from the various TRANSMETROPOLITAN trades
2-In my non-photoshop Photo program, I made collages and printed out these on a thicker print paper
3-designed layout (which included a middle vertical panel b/c I was about 2 inches shy of covering the whole table with full page photos
4-Mod Podge’d (aka glued) down panels
5-Cover with Acrylic sealant and cut off excess pages around top ç==final step that still needs to be done
Supposedly you can use this mod podge as a sealant as well but I sorta tried and it sorta sucked. I still have one more table to design and then I should be done…for now. :wink:
I finished HP 5 last night, finally, and must say it was no GOF. Why ROWLING needed to make Harry so goddamn unlikeable is beyond me but I guess it’s part of some master plan. I am trying to get through JTHM so I can concentrate on my “required reading.” But usually I can multi-task a book and a trade w/o much trouble. OH yes, and Keg Leg finally has a pad of her own (well, a pad she’s sharing with Grano, A&E, and Little John) but I’m just glad to see her outta the ‘rents house. Although she just got that cute lil pup which I’m sure she’ll miss. The house is in N-Town though, which is much closer, so hopefully we’ll be seeing each other more. And I need to call A-Unit today as she called last night but I have that problem with answering my phone when someone calls. B/c I’m a geek.
This week I have 2 goals:
1—Finish my DVD review column (2 reviews down, 1 to go plus I may throw in CONSTANTINE for the hell of it)
2—Locate and contact a chapter of AI (amnesty international) to begin helping. I have already got an email from the SW chapter but they seem to be operating much farther out of the city than I had intended. There is a CC group though that I may have to check into.
MY BURNING SOUL—barely smoldering. Tension and all that. Not sure what is going on but I do know that I haven’t been practicing much but I have had other things on my mind. I think we're going to try to practice this Thursday after a 3 week hiatus.
WED is LOST night...I'm trying to make it a habit to watch LOST over @ Stefan's. I think I"ll offer him a ride home tomorrow. This is b/c him and Jackie broke up. It really sucks b/c I know its not easy for him (or Jackie) and although I feel slightly in the middle my loyalties lie with Stefan.
I’ve been writing, mostly shite, but its something. And with this, I guess I better do something at work other than type fake emails that turn into blog entries…
~sadie hex