
Hello World I'm Your Wild Girl!

I'm your cherry bomb.

~Writing movie reviews (ok, really haven't started that yet but its on the list
~Watching LOST reruns via bittorrent
~talking on AIM
~splitting up the pirate swag
~wishing I had more soda
~Reading JTHM
~yelling random things to J Jonah
~picking at a pock mark that is driving me crazy!

So I had a bit of a "breathrough" (((<===hate using this term, so psychobabble-ish))) with my shrink on Monday. Just finally articulated something about my personality that I never wanted to admit before. Right now I couldn't say to you that I think I'm addicted to any one thing. I'm just and addict. That's all I'm really sure about. I stop smoking ciggies randomly for months at a time. It just doesn't seem to faze me like it would others. But to stop everything--oh no. No. that would be bad. But there are some things (like synthroid) that I can't live without. Here are some LOST theories I believe to be true:
=KATE cannot be trusted. Thrice they will say it before the cock crows (and its been said twice now)
=LOCKE has nothing to gain by leaving the island
=HURLEY will not be the one to die @ the end of this season

I have so little money left for spending this week, but GOLDIE is here on Thursday...and um...I haven't missed one yet. DECISIONS DECISIONS. Stefan is up for it...as I'm sure A-Unit will be. On Saturday it looks like I'm going to go look at apartments with Dane. Tonight I told roomie Mike that we would like him out in a month. J Jonah the silly face had told him that he could have until June and I'm like "No way Jose", esp. since he's moving back in with him mum. So we're cool. Him and Annie broke up and I didn't even know. But he has been going out and stuff so I didn't think that there were any more problems after X-mas for them. I was wrong.

The pirate swag is calling me. I started this blog post @ 7:55...its now 9:05 and I'm still on the first paragraph of my first review. I hate this part more than anything. Its just kinda emptying my brain of anything I can think about the movie and then hopefully having CUBED edit it into something decent. What a way to work. I need to stretch my legs.

Tomorrow me and Stefan are going to visit Keg-Leg in N-Town. Its our Friday so we figure we'll take full advantage. Alright...the drum and bass is kicking. I need to get this motherfucker rollin!
sadie heX


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