
Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Mead

So I have started my DRACULA homework, and my god! Here are some things I can tell you even if you haven't read the novel:
+I started and didn't stop until 2am
+Once I started writing, I realized how much of the stuff I thought were other people's problems are actually mine
+I'm an angry person
Its going awesome though. Its not fun to talk about things that piss you off, especially things you are holding from YEARS ago. But its amazing that once you get started, how all these things just come flooding back into your mind. I imagine I'll be done by Sunday and then can look it over again before our next meeting.

Practice went well yesterday. "Lost Souls," our newest original--SUCKED. Once the chorus came in I got completely lost. Its a significant time change but it was just too messy for me to follow the drums or the guitar. "dance on your grave" was fucking great though. The last time we played it was bloody awesome. I talked to Mike and I'm going to try to sing the chorus of "SOBER" next practice. I really need to practice that one but I was singing along while we were playing and I THINK I was in tune. Who knows...until my voice is amplified I won't know if its gonna work or not. I would sing the whole song if I could but I'm a dope when it comes to playing and singing at the same time. We might have finally decided on a font to go ahead with for a logo so that's cool too. We are taking next week off b/c I'm driving up to my parents on THURSDAY b/c they have ever so graciously offered to fix my brakes for me and get it inspected. I can't pass it up considering my financial status and impending trial. I'll be up there until Saturday, I'm driving home that night b/c the Philly Con is Sunday. MARK WHEATLEY is going to be there so I shall attempt to get a Spider J sketch from him. I want to get more of those done this year since I slacked last year. And my regular con activities are going to be changing so I need to think of actual things to do at these things instead of just drinking and partying.

I have next THURSDAY and FRIDAY off. Me and Sausalito are going to see DALI on Thursday and it'll work out for me taking my car up to the 'rents. I am thinking of scheduling a check-up for Ze Moto on Thursday morning as well. She hasn't gone since she got fixed. And her nails need some clippin!!!! I want them to give me kitty sedatives so I can do it myself. She is a little beeyotch when it comes to having her paws touched.

Last night I went to TLA and picked up 3 movies. 2 are for review (LADDER 49 and THE EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING) and one is for my J-Horror viewing pleasure (KOMA). I wanted to get a movie that J-Z had told me about but its not available yet as an actual release, just a boot leg. SUCK!!! Oh well...I think the worst part of all of this is that I actually have to sit and watch LADDER 49. Its hard having an open mind when you had no intention of ever seeing a film. At least EXORCIST will be dumb enough to be silly. OPEN MIND OPEN MIND!!!! <===my mantra for this weekend.

I need to start the new TRANSMET design this weekend. I'm going to measure and start the layout tonight just so I can make sure I can get it right this time. It sucks having to start an almost-finsihed product from scratch, but its a learning experience and I can only hope that this will look even better than my last design.

Tonight mon cheri is taking me to HIBACHI and then perhaps a few games @ Dave and Busters. Tomorrow looks to be a busy day as we need to hit the grocery store (BJ's for the industrial sized shite) and post office; then later we're going to KOP mall for some shopping. Frair Fiance is obsessed with buying clothes lately. And I usually get something too so it makes it all worth it. I'm spoiled, hear me roar. I need to clean the kitchen floor too as its a mess.

Oh and the MEAD reference is a sort of nostalgia story. I have a bottle of mead I bought in London that I swore I would not open until I had booked my next trip to the UK. Well fuck it all if that trip still isn't booked, 6 years later, and I'm still holding onto this bottle. But now opening it will not hold exactly the same significance as it would've before. It kinda sucks. It just makes me sad. But Cubed says that MEAD tastes horrendous, worse than Sake, so I think I'll live.

Anyway, to think I'll never drink alcohol again is extremely strange, but at the same time I can see how I will ever be able to be a casual drinker. Its not in my genetic make-up.

++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


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