
Clean, Lemony fresh victory is MINE...

Rockin' out to some INVADER ZIM...got the dvd back from Iron Bell. I got alot and nothing done, here in no particular order:
||I forgot HAWTHORNE's cd b/c I suck.
||I read all my comix except for PAUL POPE's SOLO. But dammit if LEX LUTHOR MAN OF STEEL was a lil disappointing. I set my hopes up way to high. It was by no means bad--just a lot of lead-ins.
||Insomnia hardcore...slept like shite...totally sucked. Kell bopped me on the head in the KING SIZE bed. haha...even in a huge ass bed she still gets me! it was pretty funny.
||Luke is the cutest puppy ever. HUGE FEET--this dog is gonna be CLIFFORD in a few months.
||Kell and me listened to DANE COOK and CKY goodness and watching some JU-ON to boot.
||Mum had LOST eppy's on ze TIVO so I watched some to get my fix.
||Saw Stefan for a bit--his painting is looking awesome.
||Did my assignment...woke up this morning and made coffee, emptied the dishwasher, ran the paper up to my mom before I left. It felt fucking awesome. I can totally dig it.
||Didn't talk to mon cheri until after 1pm today...and it was ok.
||Got me and Kell "LOST" ourselves, got off at the wrong exit (((Routes 214 and 216 are consecutive exits!!! I took the first one b/c I thought that was the one. it wasn't. We drove around forever but it was cool. I had to call mummy and get directions, I was painfully lost)))
||Daddy only made and appearance Friday nite--he left for somewhere early Saturday. He made pizza though that was cool. I don't think I got to say goodbye to him. I just realized that.
||MIKE HAWTHORNE gave me a cigar and taught me some wisdom that will be helpful in the ways of smoking. He rules the school.
||Shacky gave us a really cool idea for a place to have dinner but they were packed so we ended up down the street at a little place that thought it was fancy-schmancy but was sorta funny in its pretense. The food was pretty damn good and they didn't mind us smoking cigars.

...and stuff...

I'm so sleepy. I'll nap now and be up all night. ROCK N ROLL. I CAN'T HEAR YOU BK BROILER!!!
++++++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


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