

I've never been banned. My counterpart partner in crime J Jonah has been banned from quite a few sites. Permanently nonetheless. But he is a consumer...he will just push on and subsist. I tend to wither away and poke back up, looking for some sort of recognition or familiarity. It seldom happens the way I plan.

I should be watching PORCO ROSSO already...but I'm not...instead blogging to the sounds of SYSTEM OF A DOWN and waiting for the pirate swag delivery to get here. B/c then I'm gonna roll like there's no tomorrow. Hellz fucking yeah.

Cubed gave me a due date for reading up to Ch. 5 in DRACULA. Its 38 pages--piece of cake. Didn't stop me from whining about it though. OH AND MR. CYPHERE--thank you for the tidbit of info about LUCIFER. Good to know! I need to email you about it b/c I'm doing a paragraph recommendation for the film and wanna get my shite right. NA MEAN????

PSYCHO. GROUPIE. COCAINE. CRAZY. <<<====system of a down.

I have a carton of ciggies. It was prescribed to me. Seriously. When we do it, we do it hardcore. But I wanted MARLBORO MENTHOL 72's. B/c those are the shizzy. but CVS told me I had to pay in cash for them. And I was like WHAT???????

And then went to the Beer Distributor and bought a carton of regular marlboro menthols. But they gave me a free lighter and you know CVS would never do that so they suck!!!! Bell Beverage rules.

Ok, swag has arrived, mind has been tuned on. Time to watch a movie. Hopefully I don't fall asleep.
~sadie hex


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