
I was a question in Jim FUCKING Lee's Blog Giveaway

So JIM LEE was being an absolute dear and giving away his own copy of BATMAN #608, a comic that is going for around $900 on EBAY. He put up a quiz based on his blog, which I've been reading quite frequently as he is Rokken Like Dokken (and cute to boot). He even returned the favor and read mine concerning my band name issues. And then I saw this today:

THE FOLLOWING IS FROM http://gelatometti.blogspot.com:
"OK here are the 8 questions. Whoever posts the correct responses the
quickest in the comments section below wins a rare, signed copy of the
Batman RRP edition of Batman #608. Because the RRP bad boy is hard to find, the questions are gonna be just as tough.
1: What issue of Batgirl is Ale Garza's first?
2: What size screen is Richard Friend's mini-DVD player?
3: "The Filthy Monkey, It plans" is in reference to what other website?
List the address specifically.

4: Mary Brickthrower keeps referring to her CCC...what does that stand for?

5: Ale's tagline is PSHOO, PSHOO. What marketing plan is this in reference to?
6: What language is 'Ruf An' in?
7: What is Carlos' nephew's first name?
8: There are numerous references to song lyrics in the TITLES of entries in
this blog. Find 5 of them and list the titles of the songs where the lyrics
came from AND the singer/bands that sang them.
*****END of the JIM LEE GOODNESS*****

So even if me and LX have stopped talking and he quit the band, even if me mum is having her usual holiday depression, I will always be a question in JIM LEE's 1st Tuesday Blog Giveaway.
And that makes Ze Brickthrower smile her ass off!
+++++++++end of transmission++++++++++


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