
When Alone Isn't Good Enough...

"Don't you know i never forgot you
Since We've gone our separate ways"

i hope you all know that. I sit here and wonder about all of you. It tears at my insides sometimes. I almost cried looking at a picture of one of you this morning. I mourn for others when I should be mourning for myself.

You have not been forgotten. I wrote poems about you, the entire subject of a many a journal entry is you. Sometimes a song comes on the radio and all of I can think of is sitting in a car next to you while that song played, or cheering at a concert with you and looking over and being so happy. Its those moments that make me remember so many good things about you.

Last night I spent too much money at the PONTIAC. Jackie and Stefan did stop by for a few drinks. Tonight is hopefully THE BARBARY...and THE BAND THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED. I really want to go out for lunch but JD is out x-mas shopping so I'm off to find someone whom I can beg into being my friend for a while.

++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


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