
About the best present I've ever received

"A Boy Named Sue" on CD from Cubed. I am content. Just watching LOST helped. The HURLEY eppy again. In case you need some lucky numbers, please refer to previous post.
I was up to early for a Sunday and have been whining about it ever since. I am out of ZOLOFT as well so that doesn't help my mood any. I did get alot of stuff done today:
==moved the amp up in my office from the basement and practiced
==read all my comics save HYSTERIA V.1 and MINISTRY OF SPACE
==did laundry
==mocked Stefan for his drunken bebauchery last night (Too hot for BLOG!)

I have mostly been avoiding people today. I have NEVER not picked up the phone when my mother has called but today I did. I just feel fragile today. So I've been trying to keep myself busy. Like here, where I'll type about yesterday:

Dane found a place that we both thought was really great so her and John are filling out the application for it immediately has the next opening has an application pending. Dane bought me lunch and we saw THE RING 2...which was extremely disappointing. The previews intigued me more. WAR OF THE WORLDS looks insane (and TOM CRUISE is still GIRL PORN APPROVEDĀ©), THE AMITYVILLE HORROR looks even creepier, and DARK WATER should be interesting to say the least. But that brings along its own connotations. Follow my circular logic here=====>>>>SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! THE RING took the rather lame and disjointed plot of Japan's RINGU and made it quite the thriller. The CGI "girl-out-of-the-TV" creep fest was fine b/c of all the urban myth and jump-worthy imagery injections throughout the first 2/3 of the movie. And then I was tipped off to JU-ON and any regular reader of this blog knows my extreme interest in J Horror and Asian cult, particularly ghost stories. RINGU did not impress me but DARK WATER did. Some went too far and some were just terrifying. So the news the THE RING 2 would be directed by the original Japanese RINGU and RINGU 2 made me both hopeful (in the sense that THE GRUDGE/Shimizu partnership that translated to a pretty neat adaptation of J Horror for American audiences) and worried (the fact that I was not a fan of his RINGU work). Hope won out over my fears and I knew that seeing THE RING 2 opening weekend was a must. And yes, the jumps were there, I was covering my eyes at many points in the film. But to turn your film into the simplistic plot of ghost that wants a mommy is "universally stupid" as Cereal Killer would say. While it is a theme that is a good idea--LOOK AT YOUR SCHEDULES PEOPLE! DARK WATER will be out this summer. It is being touted as being from the people that made "RINGU" and "RINGU 2." About a girl...that wants a mommy. People are going to get sick of the genre before they've even given it a fair chance. Oh yeah--CGI is not scary. Especially CGI deer that are supposed to be menacing. EVIL DEAD is a great movie and it used rubber prosthetics and fake blood. Take note.
+++++++++end of ZE BRICKTHROWER RANT #33++++++++++

So I came home and put on party make-up for the shindig @ Rae's house. I hung out for a bit, even convinced A & E, Little John and random gal pal to come over for a bit, but they left about an hour after they got there and I followed them. I hate that its Sunday night already and I go back to work tomorrow and I should probably go to bed early to make sure that I get enough sleep but dammit if that doesn't make me a coward ready to succumb to my fate! I have my outfit picked out and plan to get a shower soon, so I think I shall be ok. Who knows though--Joe is already asleep so the sandman could still be lurking around somewhere.

(((this CD has the only BEACH BOYS song I like on it as well...so that is like 500 bonus cool points...I swear CUBED's about to get a 1UP)))

My favorte part of yesterday===>>walking with Stefan back to his house to get his IPOD b/c Rae's CD player skipped and I was going insane, going to the bathroom at his place while I leave him downstairs to grab it, arriving back @ Rae's to hear him say "I forgot my IPOD."

I can't find my WARREN ELLIS outline...Its saved but my printer decided that it doesn't want to feed in paper straight anymore, instead grabbing the paper and pulling it right, causing a paper jam with every page! :RAWK: Its got to be around here somewhere.

I DID take pictures of me and TOWLIE. I will try one more time right now and then the best one will be up momentarily. ***EDIT: Hello for Blogger is not workign right now so now pics for you!!!***

I have talked to Shacky more than any other relative this week.
If anyone has any good recommendations for YOGA/MEDITATION tapes/books/etc...please let me know. With the prospects of having a semi-private room to watch DVD's, I think I'll be able to start some exercise in the home. I'm stiff as board, and not nearly as light as a feather i would like to be.

Oh yes, and if anyone would be willing to hit me with a kendo stick or something everytime I do something just b/c I'm worried that I'm going to bother someone else please inquire within.
~~~~sadie heX~~~~


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