
don't make me repeat myself...Give Me Information...

For 12 glorious hours, Our Lord and Saviour reigned down thread and phpBB devotion by re-opening a forum for his followers. He sat in on the whole thing like a chain-smoking guinea pig and we all took part in an experiment like a timed pub get together. I was a n00b, having not been a message board whore like I am now, but settled in and enjoyed the quickness and organic feeling of the entire thing. I only got to partake in about 3 hours of idol worship but thank Warren from the bottom of my business-goth heart for the renaissance of why I started posting on the internet to begin with. It wasn't for attention, or promotion, or anything other than the want and need for creativity and comraderie. There is a brilliance on this web of tangled stops in between the porn sites...and I saw a glimpse of it today.
+++++end of ELLIS EGO PETTING+++++

So Wednesday night me and stefan went up to N-Town to hang with Keg Leg and then watched a bit of FAMILY GUY. I awoke much later than I wanted to on Thursday and much to my chagrin the DALI exhibit was no less crowded. Stefan and I had fun though--and afterwards met up with Ry The Scot in Center City for dinner. Then we went back to Northern Liberties for some St Patricks Celebration, which was really just of walking back and forth between THE PALM, DRUIDS, and Stefan's hizzy. I wrote my ALFIE review and sent it to J Jonah, watched some PYTHON, listened to Stefan sing to all kinds of songs b/c he was so drunk. But it just gave me an excuse to sing louder than I usually do. Today I talked to a man about a dog, indulged in the ELLIS forum, skipped out on the show we were supposed to go see b/c its actually tomorrow and we both have plans. I have to get up early which sucks but I'm hoping THE RING 2 and the party @ Rae's will be enough entertainment for me. I ran out of printer ink so I have 5 new Transmet squares printed out and am now at a standstill with that. Finally finished JTHM and shall now read all my comics (I'm a few weeks behind), and start HUNTER S THOMPSON's book that Cubed gave me b/c he's a sweetheart. Did I mention the Towlie b/c that rocks too and that's another gift from Cubed b/c he is too good to me. me and Towlie should take a picture together. yes, look for that in about 20 minutes or so. J Jonah has on ALICE IN WONDERLAND, the movie that makes us both squeal in delight, but I can hear his heavy breathing so I do believe he has passed out for a bit.
And with that, I shall prepare for my mini photo shoot with Towlie.
|||sadie heX|||


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this Cubed guy's a prick. Just sounds like he's buttering ya up to do his bidding. :P


3/19/2005 01:01:00 AM  

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