
If that Magnificent Bastard Does Nothing Else...he reminds me why I love to write.


Today was good. easter with J Jonah's family and all that. lemon cookies for later. And did I mention that impending sense of dread that is pulsing through my veins?

Yeah...that too.

My hands hurt to type and I need a shower but I'm so exhausted right now. But I know as soon as I try to fall asleep my own brain will do everything in its power to keep me up. And there I go with the self-fulfilling prophecies so I'll shut the fuck up now.

I think I'll take a bubble bath even though it still means taking a quick shower afterwards but it may ebe worth it to soak in the tub, read some HUNTER S and Mr. ELLIS, and try to remember what is important right now. And that is that I'm powerless to the situation. I have learned from my mistake and have bettered myself in the process. Huzzah.

I'm wearing a suit tomorrow. Gotta look sharp. Mon cheri said I looked like Marla Singer today. All I can say to that is rock.

~~~~sadie heX~~~~


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