
I'm frisky and fearful...for you.

this is not for you.

I'm listening to TENACIOUS D. Its been awhile but after listening to DRACULA on tape in the car and that made me feel sorta good I was like "what kinda music would be good?" and after going through some depressive RADIOHEAD I finally have fallen upon a windfall of an awesome and sing-along kinda record. I'm rambling.

I was able to watch BRIDGET JONES' EDGE OF REASON, and then write reviews for both that and FINDING NEVERLAND in less than an hour (after the end of JONES' of course). Just came home, put the laundry in the washer, and didn't fuckin waste my time. Its always a good plan. esp. after I felt like such shite leaving work and coming home.

I feel so detached when I get that way. There were people at work and I could've tried to get involved and talk to them as they were all people I consider friends but I was just not there. I could feel my cheeks burning. I had this overwhelming sense to get away from them yet at the same time going home just made my skin grow even more crimson. It wasn't anger, or sadness, it was just embarrassment. At how fucking pitiful I make myself feel sometimes. How I actually put myself in these situations and then complain about it like I don'nt know how I got here in the first place. I detest myself sometimes. AND SEE I'M DOING IT AGAIN.

I accomplished everything I needed to. Even the laundry is folded although it still needs to be put upstairs and I need a shower but I'm just in the mood to keep the tunes going and clean up the office a bit. I really need to pre-rank baseball players. I've only done 25 so far. The order will be picked by Dane tomorrow to ensure impartiality, and the draft is Saturday. we have 10 teams, 3 or 4 indie comic creators, 4 writers from SimplyJD, 1 co-worker, and one ex-coworker. Yeah that sounds about right. No one was around while I was trying to decide the draft so I just picked Sat. Its the day that Fathead Jones moves out but I maintain I can make it in time for the live draft. If I don't get my boy on the team I'll cry. I'm hoping to score a couple of the same position players so that I can trade for better things, in case I need to barter. B/c I have gotten threatens that bartering may have to take place.

My eyes hurt. My head itches. My back aches. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.
~~~sadie heX~~~


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