
a 2am discussion on DRACULA and a night with SEX DWARF

Even with the depression I battle every so often, it doesn't seem to faze my social life. And if refraining from certain things while out was supposed to make me settle down finally, it didn't work too well. Just an observation on a life that is simply laden with things. Things to do, things to read, things to watch and to listen to and to make. My name is Sadie...and I'm a thing-aholic.

I'm listening to a stellar mix of RADIOHEAD that Stefan made for himself and I. This is the PRE "kid a" disc...and its my favorite. I like the more guitar heavy shite...this album just seems more standarad melancholy. Having just finished watching CLOSER, and feeling quite melancholy myself after listening to "the blower's daughter," the song that opens and ends the film (and the music video is the only special feature). So RADIOHEAD seemed like the natural thing to put in--especially with this sense of butterflies even though I should just be relishing the freedom that I have been given. I can go out tonight with A-Unit to SEX DWARF: 80's, electro and synth-pop all together @ club FLUID and I can go without a sense of dread. Red Bulls and dancing till it hurts is on the agenda. I will be happy to just be warm. B/c I'm freezing right now.

B/c SEX DWARF is once a month and I wanted to get my exercise in tonight so I can commit fully to Wednesday being about final touches on J Jonah's BIRTHDAY SURPRISE 2005, Cubed and I have scheduled our book meeting for 2am or thereabouts tonight--which should be when I'm getting home. A-Unit isn't even leaving N-Town until 9:30 (tis 905pm now), we will get there just under 11pm and hopefully that means no cover charge. That would be swell indeed. But I also need ciggies. And I was going to try to sneak in RED BULL's but I don't think I can with what I'm wearing tonight.

I stayed until 5:45pm today @ work but it really wasn't that busy. It was just frazzling. Things were wrong that kept garnering all my attention and driving me half-mad. I did more tranqs than I wanted to today but I just had a moment of severe discomfort that made me feel like it was the pills or the anxiety was gonna get me. I talked to GORMAN and let her know the good outcome of yesterday so she was thrilled. Everything happens for a reason bitch! Believe that. I do now. And I usually don't belive in anything.

Tomorrow its going to be in the 60's and I am thrilled. I can't wait to spend time outside. Hopefully more daytime time as well. But I gotta start with the baby steps. Ok, vitamin, RADIOHEAD, and waiting. I'm done with that.
~~~~sadie heX~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sadie. You're in the right place. Keep coming back. Work it cuz you're worth it. One day at a time. Easy does it. Principles before personalities.

3/31/2005 01:03:00 AM  

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