
Yarr! Andeelee paints a mean pirate ship. This is Manchester Mary's ship, The Beloved Sidney!!!
A Short Story Amongst Friends...#2
By Ze Brickthrower!, Keg Leg, Jen, Little John, A-Licia and E-lisha on 5.30.04

When Judy was a child, her mother would lock the door behing her every night, after kissing little Judy's ruby cheek and say
"Under no circumstances must you leave this room, Judy dear."
Her mother would beat poor little Judy with her huge black dildo. Judy referred to it as the "Black Dong of Satan." When her mother beat her, she would cry, but mostly from the stale putrid stench of Mommy Snatch that radiated from the Dong of Doom.
One night, Judy decided to retaliate. She formed an elaborate plan to steal the dildo and throw it out the window into the pool. But something went terribly wrong. As she picked up the Black Dong of Satan to dispose of the wretched evil that plagued her since birth, she caught a whiff of her mother's evil snatch.
"That smell, that horribly perfect smell" she thought to herself. How could she part with it? As she thought naughty thoughts of anal sex, the dildo magically turned itself on [sic] and flew into her young anal crevice. It pounded in and out until finally it spoke!
"Oh my precious young and oh-so-tight Judy, there is only one way to keep me as a magical dildo!" He told her as he rammed into her harder and faster.
"What is it?" Judy moaned. "Anything, I'll do anything!" The dildo told Judy that the only thing to keep him from turning into the Black Dong of Stat was to sneak into her mother's room while she was sleeping and tape dryer sheets to her snatch every night for the next week.
Then...Hi...:) I have A.d.d. and aren't good at writing stories...I like Dildos and the on in this story excites me... Yup--I need some ritalin cuase A.D.D. just kicked in...may the Black Dildo of Satan rise in the East and fall in my ass FOREVER!!! Dilos Rock!!

There's always one of them, isn't there?
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A short story amongst friends...

written by Mary, Stefan, Ry the Scot and Rae on 5.27.04

Once upon a time, there was a girl Sybil.
Everyday she would travel to railroad tracks to put pennies on the rail. And everyday the Conducter would shoot Sybil with the salt gun. She would pick up the rock salt, take it hame, and make pretzels.
Sybil would ask all of her friends to come over and pose in weird positions in which she would then copy the shapes into pretsels. Sybil decided one day that she would take them to the train conductor to make peace. The train conductor took them willingly and so the cycle continued of pennies, salt, pretzels and peace. This happened over 3 years, which some referred to as the "3 Years Peace Before the Storm."
One day, instead of the conductor taking her pretzels of peace...he threw them on the groud and said:

"No More Sybil! You have broken my heart!"

The conductor, a fat man with mustard stains on his traditional cap; was remembering events of the past. Events with Sybil that happened when she was only a little chile. Children are innocent! But Sybil was not. In fact she was the ANTI-CHRIST! and Sybil" dawned her fangs and tore the conductor's throat out. With warm blood coarsing through her preternatural veins, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a roll of pennies to finish what she had come to do.
"Death is your judgement--but not your punishment!" Sybil said with eyes blazing with red light. Quickly she exposed the roll of pennies and shoved them in his mouth.
"You, the Fathers of Lies, will know the meaning of 'loss of innocence' you evil Motherfucker!!!!"
Out went the passengers, leaving Sybil and the conductor alone.
The passengers were an odd bunch all rejects from a Nike sweatshop in Taiwan that fed them through funnels of made sandpaper. Thought time the all developed a rare throat disease called Scratcheothroatitus. The sweared death on Nike and its entire corporation. Traveling to America, the caught the train, the final leg on their trip to the headquarters.
Vice asshole Frankie Fairview, sitting at his desk while a little blond girl enters with a roll of pennies and attacks! Bludgeoning the VP to death with a 3-inch phallic object. Before this Sybil had figured out what her fate woudl be. The workers would have come for her if she had sought them out. They weren't supposed to be a part of this--it was between her and the conductor. So it goes.
And so, with Sybil's last breath--knowing her fate as a murderer and instigator for crimes unseen--Sybil unleashed all she could upon the Corporate Headquarters. Using her skill she learned from The Father of Lies, she breathed fire with the devil, and brimstone with Lucifer himself. There was nothing left of that city block when she was done. Not a terroist act, but an act upon all that opposed the proleteriat.
"Viva La Resistance!" was her gutteral cry as she burst into flames. A Phoenix that would never rise again.

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I Am Who I Say I Am!

Due to the recent influx of questions concerning my supposed "aliases" online. Here is an easy guide to clarify:

My Pseudonyms:
Mary E. Brickthrower

My Email:
korny_kollins69@yahoo.com (mary@simplyjd.com gets sent to this email)

My Screen Names:
AIM: marybrickthrower
Yahoo! marybrickthrower, korny_kollins69

So I'm not trying to be sneaky. I just get bored and change my name every couple months. Ya dig?

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And Before I go to bed...

You know you're right.

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Tonight I went with Stefan, Rae, Ry the Scot and Jackie to Quizzo. We didn't do too well...instead we wrote stories. And I came home and learned how to post pics. Beat that QUIZZO MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! Posted by Hello

Sexy and...18 Posted by Hello

Rockin' in B-More! Posted by Hello


Twas Brillig, and The Slithy Toves,
Did Gyre and Gimble in the wabe...

Last night I wrote my best interview/story I have ever done. I can't wait to finish editing it and get it on the site. Probably not till next week, but after what Andy Lee said about it, I'm even more excited:

Your report was soooo sweet! I am teary eyed. You REALLY KNOW ME

Tonight I'm going to hang out with Stefan, whom I miss dearly. We might be going to play Quizzo with Ry The Scot and Rae so that should be kickass! I may have to miss THE OFFICE, ::sigh:: but I'll try to live.

Been conversing quite frequently with Philip. He is one smashing chap! And he loves REAL GENIUS too. That automatically bumps him up on the point list. Yes, I have a friends point list. If you're reading this entry, you just got yourself 20 extra points.

I'm @ work. And now I must return to the working part of said work.
No Rest For Ze Wicked!

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That's my new motto. What would the 3 J's do? Shacky, J to the Rizzock and Bock. My new conscience.

If you're not listening to SPARKS yet, for the love of christ download their songs with FAITH NO MORE. I'll burn them for you--just email me!!!


GOLDIE is this Brit that spins Drum and Bass like a God. He's the DJ with a heart of gold...and the grill to match!

There is something so bloody tribal about dancing to drum and bass. I can easily describe the other clubs I go to:

FLUID--WED--HOUSE--Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box (thanks Matthew!)

I took a couple shots of Ze Pirate's Rum (you know, for confidence) and came out of there completely sober. And it was only an hour and a half later~! I'm talking sweat EVERYWHERE. I'm talking non-stop movement that comes only in 2 speeds: Fast and Faster. There are the break dancers, the people that dance just to every other beat, and the complete fanatics like me that just need to hit every goddamn BPM with the same intensity as the last. "THE QUICKNESS. FURTHER INSIDE."
Alicia, Angie and Steph were there. So was Stace but I didn't see her. I only had money for one drink once I paid the cover but it really didn't matter.

What mattered was ringing out every last drop of energy, last drop of OCD, last drop of everything is gone and expended in exhaustion and salty sweat on that dance floor. Its 2:30 in the morning and I just want to hear some MORE. PEACHES is taking me down to that special place:
He's not dead
He's gonna live
I see his eyes rollin' back in his head.

I want to watch FIGHT CLUB and pretend I'm Marla Singer. And after that I want to pop a tranq and call it a night.
I started reading TITUS ANDRONICUS. Fucking Brilliant.

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Fuck No. 1 is for Stefan who says he misses me but hasn't seen me in 2 bloody weeks.

Fuck No. 2 is for me being so afraid to do anything alone that I'm sitting here @ this computer instead of getting ready to go

Fuck No. 3 is for GOLDIE who is spinning tonight @ TRANSIT

Fuck No. 4 is for wishing for things that WILL NEVER BLOODY HAPPEN.


Nicole added me to her site. Fuckin' Awesome.
Now go visit her! ------->

She's engaged and her ring is exactly what I want! (for all you possibly suitors out there...hehe).
I finished THE REVIEW. I put THE REVIEW in caps because it was absolute hell trying to write it. I stopped doing book reports in high school because my brain doesn't think that way. That's why I like doing my column; because I can just rave about the color of Donnie Darko's shirt if I wanted to. No rules, just right. Just like OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE.
I've been running a text message poll the past half hour to see if I should go out or not.
Ms. Irate, Bock, and Shacky Red-Handed said Yes. Andeelee said no. BAM might be there...god why am I still sitting her contemplating???
If I write a really bitter post about going out tonight, then I'm blaming it all on them. However, if I have a good time and meet BAM, then THANKS FOR THE GOOD ADVICE GUYS!!!

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Look Ma! No "I"'s!!!!

The head is spinning
on this lonely Spindelina
Round and Round
Dizzy and Dizzier
A cry for her mother--who
never has the time
A cry for her lover--who
never knew her crimes
This lonely Spindelina is pushing
the pause button on her record player
And wonders why the world does
not stop...place itself
on hold
for her.


I'm obsessed

Her jaw hurts, you can see the tension in her tendons
held tight, stretched over skin
more taut than a drum head.
And in her mind, she repeats her own indiscretions,
because now there is no one to blame but herself.

The pain from wanting everything from everyone.
Knowing that her need needs to stop but either letting the id beat the superego down or just no way to NOT LET it overcome.

People can push her, but more likely they will coddle and
wipe her tears away.
They don't even realize the trap they have fallen into.
I would try to apologize for her...but its useless.

Because with all the excuses--the pills--the pain--the knowledge of what has happened and what will come to be.
With all of this--she will do it again...and again...and again

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I need to organize this shite...
I'm writing for ze site about:
1--ANDEELEE--full story
3--CON COVERAGE, most likely will be the same as last time, blog stuff that JD sees fit to add.

QUANTUM is getting done tonight...missing out on FRIDAYS just to get this shite done.
Andy's story is going to more than likely be edited from random blog posts.

But lemme see--let's play catch up:
+me and Jeemy are conversing quite regularly about business shite. He actually read BRAVER AT NIGHT and asked me about it.
+Little John and Elisha played their first show on Saturday. Keg Leg said they rocked out!!! I'm so happy for them.
+Marc and Nicole got engaged--RAWK!!!
+My coughing is worse, SUCK!!!
+Need to email Zeke and Philip about various stuff
+Entered Ze Moto Kitty in the FRISKIES wall calendar contest
+text messaged Philip and Andeelee for a bit last night. They both rock out!
+joined the BENDIS! message board and JD has been getting STEVE NILES' message board hyped about Stuart's comic. His art is amazing. Nuff Said.

I don't want a real job anymore. I want to write all the time, and rock out with my fave creators. I'm going to make this happen. Its in the stars, BELEE-DAT!

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Pirates Don't Scream...

Me and Andy Lee
Talk about Piracy

I say his name like ANDEELEE.
Philip Clark, David Mack and Stuart (don't remember his last name but he's Leo Dicaprio a la BASKETBALL DIARIES) are vying for top spot on my TOP 10 HOTTEST COMIC CREATORS.
I spent most of my night in the bathroom of the swanky LOEWS, drinking ze Pirate Rum and smoking ciggies with ANDEELEE.

Joe got TOE UP. :( The one sucky thing about the night...he left VERY early from sickness. Its ANDEELEE's fault...he was passing around shots like they were going out of style.

And style is very important.

Best. Time. Ever.

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Countdown to Geek-Fest

Wizard World Philly begins tomorrow. I have set up a coffee date with Bill Jemas to discuss...well, um...I'm not really sure. Business endeavors of some sort.
David Mack & Andy Lee will both be @ ze con. Can't wait to see them again.
Keg to tha Leg, J to the Rizzock and others are going to hang with us @ the INDY tomorrow night after ze con.

I have off tomorrow, so I'm going to KOP to hang with Ms. Irate this evening. I can't pass up the chance to chill when I get to sleep in on a Friday. Its like heaven.

Work Sucks...and then you die.

Really my plans this weekend are just to rock out and enjoy the scenery. It should be hella fun. Harrassment of Zeke and Andy Lee will commence tomorrow @ 1300 hours.

Did I mention that me and JD had a huge fight yesterday and I finally admitting to reading his email while he was in VEGAS last year? Oh I didn't tell you? Probably because me being a psycho bitch is something I only let my close friends witness...

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It took a girl like me...to bring me to your knees
I stayed out WAY too late last nite. But its like, Kell's been sick, and we can’t chill @ her house really.  Stefan is MIA b/c he's like totally in LURVE with his new girlfriend and has totally admitted to ditching me and Ry. So J to the Rizzock is cool as all hell to chill with, she likes to drink and watch fucked up shite. And since I went back to Ze Comic Shop specifically to work with her and Lou, and I never actually work with either of them, its gotta be chillin with some scotch and ginger ale @ Ms. Irate's flat till 2AM or however long I stayed. So needless to say I'm tired today. I need a shower. I have a half hour left of work and absolutely nothing to do. I'm still depressed.

And when I say depressed, I mean psycho.

I'm not happy with my friends, I'm not happy with my relationship. I feel like me and JD are simply coexisting in the same space together and I hate it. Its so generic right now. I love him so much and I just feel this ambivalence cast over us and everything around us. We're busy: the site, work, trip planning, etc. I'm doing that whole "remember when we first start going out?" thing in my head. Stefan being all gay about him relationship doesn't help with me wanting to examine my own. I am starting to wonder why I work a second job but know if I quit I'll just be bored again on Saturdays like I always was.

MILLAR emailed me again today for my address; JEEMY hasn't emailed me; ANDY LEE is mos def gonna be in Philly. I'm trying to get Ms. Irate to come hang out with ze crew on Friday.  We shall see...Keg Leg needs to get her ass down here as well. She's been sick. We both think we have the HENRY THE IV.The HI-FIVE. THE NINJA. Hehehehe;god I miss O&A!!! But seriously this cold/allergy thing is just lame.

I've started playing TEKKEN 4 again. Unlocked all the characters yesterday before I left for JRock's house. Hopefully I can get some TEKKEN FORCE play in tonight.  That is if I don't pass out from exhaustion and/or general malaise.
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An Email Fight Amongst Friends:

Email#1 To Some of My Friends
Subject: These Puppies Need a Home!
A customer @ my place of employment is selling some puppies. They are rotty/boxer mix. Attached are some pics and some more info about them.
If you're interested please let me know! Thanks!

Mary E.
Note: forwarded message attached.

Braver at Night: APATHETIC ICON PRESS ©2004

Want to know more? http://www.simplyjd.com

How the Wretched Live--An experiment in self-indulgence: http://howthewretchedlive.blogspot.com/
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan.Shook@Mineralstech.com [mailto:Susan.Shook@Mineralstech.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 3:52 PM
To: Mary Nied
Subject: Puppy pictures - 4 weeks old

Girl, by the box the other two are boys .
The one in the front is available to a good home.

We are asking $200 this includes cropping the tail, first shots and

Puppies are scheduled to have their shots June 3rd.

The mom is a boxer rottweiler mix and the dad is full blood rottweiler
Brown and white, dominant boxer.

The big brown dog in picture number 2 is the sister to the mom of these
As you can see the mom is laid back she lets her sister and her mother
close to these puppies.

Susan Shook

Email #2 LX's Reply:
Hey, thanks for the offer but I'm not sure why you forwarded this on to me as:

A) I have four cats.

B) Why would I pay $200 dollars to mutilate the poor thing when I could just run it's tail over with my car?

By the way, are you getting a cut of the tail-chopping profits for advertising for these ethically-challenged fascists?

Thanks, dear, but no thanks.


Email #3 My Reply to LX:
I'm not sure if you realize but your emails (particularly this one) can oftentimes come off as extremely harsh and condescending.
That being said,
1.I'm getting no "cut".
2.The tails were already "chopped" off before I even knew about the pups.
3.I DID know you had 4 cats, but thought that if I forwarded this to people that I knew that have pets/close friends/like animals, then maybe someone would know someone that would be interested.
4.I'll be sure remember to NOT email you next time with my inbox-clogging spam.

Thanks dear,

Email #4 LX's 2nd Reply:
Oftentimes? This was the only one meant to be harsh at all, and even then I was half joking. I did not think that you were actually getting a cut. However, I do strongly feel that animal breeding and surgical aesthetic alteration is sick and wrong. According to PETA, animals should not be "owned" at all. Further, demanding money for creatures when so many others are available free from the SPCA and pounds is insane. I also disapprove of the ownership of naturally violent dogs like rottweilers just so that people can look tough and cool. So, now that I think about it, I do take issue with the whole scenario and I try not to associate with people who think that paying for an animal and to have it butchered because Dog Lover's Magazine told them to is a great idea. I am sorry I have offended you. I don't mean to sound condescending. I do value your friendship. But I still don't want any chopped-up doggies.

Email #5 Ze Brickthrower's Rebuttal:
There's a way to state your case or disapproval for something without adding sarcasm (driving a dog's tail over with your car) or condescension (thanks dear, but no thanks).
I value your friendship too. I just felt I was being dealt with in a harsh manner over a subject that clearly was not my intent.

I love you LX. Nothing will ever change that. :-)

Mary E.

Email #6 LX and I love each other Again:
I love you, Darling. Honestly, ironically, I added the 'dear' to take the edge off. It obviously backfired. I can totally see how you could read it otherwise. There's a Kids in the Hall skit about a guy who has a speech impediment that makes him sound sarcastic...

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I am going to destroy the world.

So yesterday I went up to bed about an hour early just so I would have time for a hysterical cry. Oh it was just wonderful!!!!

Not really.

Neither was TROY. It sucked. Too long; cinematography bordered on soap opera bad; ORLANDO BLOOM just seemed quite lame...ugh.

Work was cool though--me and Jaime worked till 4 then went to FRIDAYS and drank. I'm going to her flat on Monday to watch horror movies.

Other than that I'm feeling dreadfully alone and isolated. I have my period, my allergies are attempting to kill me and inhabit my body, and I just want to be outside but I haven't seen Stefan for about a million years outside of work and he's the only one in this godforsaken city that would go anywhere with me.

But he went swimming.

And Monday morning I start over the cycle of work/stress/nothingness until Friday comes again.

My column is up: 80's Indulgence

I'm going to go kill someone now.
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Friday Night and Its Time to ROCK OUT!!!!!

Ok, so its not Friday yet, but it is 4:20!!! I'm still in work but Donna just left so its time to start getting ready for me and Kell's "Piratecore 2004" @ me house. It basically means we're just gonna sit around and drink and watch TV and shite.


I got my column, my BIO and all that shite done last nite. JD is putting it up tomorrow and then hopefully more people will be visiting this little piece of the web that I call My Blog.

My head hurts from sinuses; it doesn't help that I keep sucking the snot back up my nose b/c I didn't bring kleenex and when I try to blow my nose nothing comes out anyway! Just emailed LX in work (we work in the same bloody building, not 100 feet away from each other, but email is our prime form of communication) and it seems he may stop by for some Piratecore fun. Hahaha...the cult grows!

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Rockin' Toronto Hardcore!!!

Yes, Ze trip is booked, we're going to TORONTO for the con June 18th-20th. Whirlwind trip yes; but it shall be well worth it! Free hotel, free passes to the con, and other perks that I can't even begin to describe. If Ms. Irate makes it out it'll be even fucking cooler. Can't bloody wait!

So I stayed home from work yesterday due to illness. I'm still sick but starting to get better...although I'm a plethora of mucus and sweat (from getting a fever and breaking a fever every couple of hours yesterday). I need a shower, and I need it to go back down to the 70's because this weather is complete shite!!!

Tomorrow is resting time for Ze Brickthrower; Keg Leg will be coming down to rock out in Philly but we're just gonna stay in and drink ze Pirate Rum and watch TV or whatever. I don't want to go out to the Indy and get all drunk especially while I'm recovering and even more expecially while I've got work the next day. I'm working 2 Saturdays in a row so I can be off for the Philly Comic Con, which I'm uber excited about b/c ANDY LEE and ZEKE will be there and that is just kickass.

I got my column done (surprise surprise) and am finishing up my BIO tonight.

Ok, time is ticking away and I've got all of nothing accomplished.

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Sickey McSickerson--that's Me!!!!

Yarr!! The Pirate Rum and my NEED to go out last night has made my throat even worse than yesterday. I kept waking up this morning b/c my nose was all stuffed up and me throat was killing me. I bought RICOLA lozenges but the scratchiness is so annoying I just want to rip out my trachea!!!

Last night was bloody awesome. There was a small social gathering @ J Rock's, including Mr. Cyphere, and Ze Punk Rock Twins (Nick and Alex). We watched ICHI THE KILLER which was so overhyped in BIZARRE mag. It just turned out to be this long and convoluted story that tried so hard to mean something @ the end. Ugh--we were more like MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER the entire time--talking and heckling. I have so much fun with Ms. Irate. She is just a kickass gal. And I stayed out WAY too late and I almost wish I didn't feel like shite or I would go out again b/c I was invited to watch HORROR movies and chill again @ The Irate One's but that would just be asking for myself to get sicker. And if you think I'm whiny now...just wait till I lose my voice!

I'm not sure what I'm up to tonight...I may try to get Jaime to come down here...but I don't know if I'll be able to pull that off. Of course I'm feeling like shite so maybe I should just say FUCK IT and stay in like a normal person. Stefan is spinning tonight and I already told him I couldn't do it. He's got Jackie now for moral support.

I dyed my hair--tis really really really red. No, like REALLY red. JEEMY emailed me again with his new email addy but still now word on what he has in store for me and www.simplyjd.com Only time will tell.

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Time to dye Ze Hair

I have roots hardcore. I got some dye to last me until I can go and get my bangs done again--having 2-tone hair is bloody annoying. I got a really freakin' bright red so it best turn out or someone shall be walking the plank!

Friday was dinner with Donna and the rest of our team from work. That was fun and VERY filling. On Saturday I worked till 4, then met up with Kell, Little John, Mr. Cyphere, Ms. Irate and Elisha @ Fridays. Twas fun for the whole family. I only stayed for an hour then had to get home so we could go see VAN HELSING which was such a stupid movie and complete waste of time. And it was over 2 hours long!!! Who the fuck do they think they are?

Sunday was MOTHER'S DAY so me and JD took our mum's out to MORTONS STEAKHOUSE which was very nice and everything was super yummy! My mum is planning a grand vacay to DISNEYWORLD in October--I'll be taking my vacation then to go and hang with the fam in FLORIDA. Should be fun; of course I could never pass up the chance to go the Magic Kingdom, even if it is DISNEYWORLD which I usually despise...later that evening I watched the SURVIVOR finale with JD and then met up with Jackie and Stefan for a drink.

TORONTO is a go as well--we're getting our airplane tickets this week and will be planning our whirlwind trip there for June 18-20, the days of the TORONTO COMIC CON. J to the Rizzock and her man Mark may even be joining us. Its really hard to pass up when we've got the hotel and con passes hooked up through KOOP. And the hit count for the site just keeps going up--all thanks to JD's convention coverage. I sorta started my column last nite, DEPECHE MODE is of course getting mentioned. I'm not really sure of what else is going up there yet but I must have it done by WED. Tonite, I may go out, or I may stay in and try to get more done. I will mos def be dying my hair. I also have JD's first Barthco Softball game to attend--I can prolly get some writing done there. Its a beautiful day.

I didn't bring in CD's today--listening to the radio can really suck out your will to live. My throat hurts--not sure if I'm sick or its just allergies.
And that is all for now.

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No Rest for The Wretched…

Goddamn. That’s all I want to say at this time. Me and JD have had a busy past 2 weeks and now WIZARD WORLD EAST is fast approaching and I have 3 pieces to write for the site and haven’t even started on one. Monday was spent scanning pics and sketches for JD. Yesterday was a good evening, where I went and watched the FLYERS win in overtime over @ Stefan’s house with Keg Leg. I came home and scanned a sketch I missed the previous evening and burned a copy of the CD I bought for me daddy for his birthday for myself (I’m evil, I know; I’m also trying to save money!). Tonight I am going to ze shrink and then over to Ms. Irate’s for a little CINCO DE MAYO celebration!!! Or, maybe just watching Mark play video games and drinking a lil. Whatever—tis all the same to me. I was thisclose to cancelling my shrink appt. just because I have neither the money nor the problems at the moment to really talk about anything. But Gorman is going back to Germany for 3 weeks so I figured I’d better get that one last meeting in before she leaves and I mentally collapse.

During the morning yesterday I had an hour or 2 long email convo with MARK MILLAR about CHI-TOWN and PETER MILLIGAN. It was awesome. ANDY LEE also emailed me, as did ZEKE, both promising to see me in PHILLY. ZEKE is all for hanging out with us on the Sat. of WWE2K4—and I’m forcing ANDY to hang with me and KEG LEG. His email is worthy of showing off right here:

Mary! So great to hang with you this weekend. Your smile is infectious,
J.D. is the pimp and you are the sexiest pirate on this flat planet.

Isn’t he just the bestest??? Haha…its so like this vibe that he just gives off that makes him so damn cool. I’m completely unintelligible and I’m not even drunk. ZEN—Andy makes me feel ZEN—that’s exactly what it is. It’s a harmless semi-celebrity crush. Me and JD were talking about making the interview 2 parts since we’ll be seeing him again in a couple weeks, and focusing more on the “person” side of him. We’ve noticed that even WIZARD, the biggest comix news’ mag on the planet, is basically just a big advertisement for comix. Not about the creators—or the cons—or the culture that comes along with comix. To exploit this HUGE HOLE in the business is our goal and mission. Our “main objective” as BRANDON DICAMILLO would say. I was even thinking to bring our site into a more technological level, we could actually videotape the MILLAR/ULTIMATES QUIZ @ WW Chi-Town. That way we would have a sound and video record of the account—as well as being able to post small MPEG snippets on the site. I think it would be a great thing. But when I im’ed JD about the idea last nite he didn’t seem to keen. We’ve got time to plan and scheme and discuss. Supposedly MILLAR was mailing me comix today…can’t bloody wait!

Something I’m being forced to wait for: DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP on vinyl. The motherfucker that I won the auction from is SOOO MIA its not even funny. I tried emailing him and the email came back to me. The PO Box is being checked everyday. What a bloody punk!
The pic of me with CAPT. JACK SPARROW is up on me picture site. More to come.
Oh yeah, walked past the REAL WORLD house last nite. Its fucking awesome!!! They have a red Christmas tree in one of the windows which is just damn cool. You can walk right past the house—and see inside the house which looks all hip and shite like EVERY OTHER real world house. Stefan wants to create a ruckus one morning to wake the cast up. What a geek.

+++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


More about the geek's weekend

ANDY LEE is the coolest guy ever. Although ZEKE, JML's point man, is quite cool as well. Both don't make you feel like a freak for hanging about. I shared a drink with ZEKE and he said he will mos def be hanging @ Ze Indy during WWE2K4. Andy and I drank the pirate's rum and he drew this cute lil sketch of me! He lives in Atlanta or I might start stalking him like I'm doing with BILL JEMAS.

MILLAR hasn't emailed me since FRIDAY...I'm such a geek that this makes me sad.

The interview with ANDY was awesome. I wasn't nervous at all like I was with JML. Me and Andy shared a chair when I was interviewing him which was just neat. I asked him about his handlebar moustache and painting a mural in our bedroom. And Captain Jack Sparrow was there--or at least an uber-fan that dressed up EXACTLY like him. It was awesome.

DAVID MACK is insane--and thats why you just have to dig him. He's hot as hell--which always helps!

Really, I did a lot of sleeping and whining about my tummy. I also did a lot of drinking and smoking. I didn't do a whole lot of CON stuff (i.e., standing in line, getting sketches). Creator-wise, it really wasn't a con for me. But that doesn't mean that I didn't have a stellar time. I did. It was kickass.

I have to get back to work...ugh.

+++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


PART ONE--the outlining of a geek's weekend:

God I have about 5 million stories I can tell about this weekend. Let me break it down in terms of themes, or subjects if you will:
1--THE DRIVE: Driving there was quick and virtually painless. On the way back I started freaking out over the torrential downpour and it seemed to take FOREVER, I guess because of the rain.
2--THE HOTEL: Nice! KOOP hooked us up...we were right next door to him and being in the same hotel as most of the talent was kickass.
3--THE CON: Overall, not very many creators on me must-meet list. I had my site on 2 in particular (which I'll talk about later), but for the most part I slept THRU the con itself and woke up for the after-hours fun
4--PITT--I only visited SOUTHSIDE, but it has the same vibe as SOUTH STREET w/o all the pretentiousness. I mos def had a fun time @ Keg Leg's bar THE SMILING MOOSE. I only spent an hour or 2 there b/c my tummy was acting up the whole weekend so I came back to the lobby bar and met some people while waiting for JD.

***break for SIX FEET UNDER RERUN***