
More about the geek's weekend

ANDY LEE is the coolest guy ever. Although ZEKE, JML's point man, is quite cool as well. Both don't make you feel like a freak for hanging about. I shared a drink with ZEKE and he said he will mos def be hanging @ Ze Indy during WWE2K4. Andy and I drank the pirate's rum and he drew this cute lil sketch of me! He lives in Atlanta or I might start stalking him like I'm doing with BILL JEMAS.

MILLAR hasn't emailed me since FRIDAY...I'm such a geek that this makes me sad.

The interview with ANDY was awesome. I wasn't nervous at all like I was with JML. Me and Andy shared a chair when I was interviewing him which was just neat. I asked him about his handlebar moustache and painting a mural in our bedroom. And Captain Jack Sparrow was there--or at least an uber-fan that dressed up EXACTLY like him. It was awesome.

DAVID MACK is insane--and thats why you just have to dig him. He's hot as hell--which always helps!

Really, I did a lot of sleeping and whining about my tummy. I also did a lot of drinking and smoking. I didn't do a whole lot of CON stuff (i.e., standing in line, getting sketches). Creator-wise, it really wasn't a con for me. But that doesn't mean that I didn't have a stellar time. I did. It was kickass.

I have to get back to work...ugh.

+++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


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