
No Rest for The Wretched…

Goddamn. That’s all I want to say at this time. Me and JD have had a busy past 2 weeks and now WIZARD WORLD EAST is fast approaching and I have 3 pieces to write for the site and haven’t even started on one. Monday was spent scanning pics and sketches for JD. Yesterday was a good evening, where I went and watched the FLYERS win in overtime over @ Stefan’s house with Keg Leg. I came home and scanned a sketch I missed the previous evening and burned a copy of the CD I bought for me daddy for his birthday for myself (I’m evil, I know; I’m also trying to save money!). Tonight I am going to ze shrink and then over to Ms. Irate’s for a little CINCO DE MAYO celebration!!! Or, maybe just watching Mark play video games and drinking a lil. Whatever—tis all the same to me. I was thisclose to cancelling my shrink appt. just because I have neither the money nor the problems at the moment to really talk about anything. But Gorman is going back to Germany for 3 weeks so I figured I’d better get that one last meeting in before she leaves and I mentally collapse.

During the morning yesterday I had an hour or 2 long email convo with MARK MILLAR about CHI-TOWN and PETER MILLIGAN. It was awesome. ANDY LEE also emailed me, as did ZEKE, both promising to see me in PHILLY. ZEKE is all for hanging out with us on the Sat. of WWE2K4—and I’m forcing ANDY to hang with me and KEG LEG. His email is worthy of showing off right here:

Mary! So great to hang with you this weekend. Your smile is infectious,
J.D. is the pimp and you are the sexiest pirate on this flat planet.

Isn’t he just the bestest??? Haha…its so like this vibe that he just gives off that makes him so damn cool. I’m completely unintelligible and I’m not even drunk. ZEN—Andy makes me feel ZEN—that’s exactly what it is. It’s a harmless semi-celebrity crush. Me and JD were talking about making the interview 2 parts since we’ll be seeing him again in a couple weeks, and focusing more on the “person” side of him. We’ve noticed that even WIZARD, the biggest comix news’ mag on the planet, is basically just a big advertisement for comix. Not about the creators—or the cons—or the culture that comes along with comix. To exploit this HUGE HOLE in the business is our goal and mission. Our “main objective” as BRANDON DICAMILLO would say. I was even thinking to bring our site into a more technological level, we could actually videotape the MILLAR/ULTIMATES QUIZ @ WW Chi-Town. That way we would have a sound and video record of the account—as well as being able to post small MPEG snippets on the site. I think it would be a great thing. But when I im’ed JD about the idea last nite he didn’t seem to keen. We’ve got time to plan and scheme and discuss. Supposedly MILLAR was mailing me comix today…can’t bloody wait!

Something I’m being forced to wait for: DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP on vinyl. The motherfucker that I won the auction from is SOOO MIA its not even funny. I tried emailing him and the email came back to me. The PO Box is being checked everyday. What a bloody punk!
The pic of me with CAPT. JACK SPARROW is up on me picture site. More to come.
Oh yeah, walked past the REAL WORLD house last nite. Its fucking awesome!!! They have a red Christmas tree in one of the windows which is just damn cool. You can walk right past the house—and see inside the house which looks all hip and shite like EVERY OTHER real world house. Stefan wants to create a ruckus one morning to wake the cast up. What a geek.

+++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


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