
Sickey McSickerson--that's Me!!!!

Yarr!! The Pirate Rum and my NEED to go out last night has made my throat even worse than yesterday. I kept waking up this morning b/c my nose was all stuffed up and me throat was killing me. I bought RICOLA lozenges but the scratchiness is so annoying I just want to rip out my trachea!!!

Last night was bloody awesome. There was a small social gathering @ J Rock's, including Mr. Cyphere, and Ze Punk Rock Twins (Nick and Alex). We watched ICHI THE KILLER which was so overhyped in BIZARRE mag. It just turned out to be this long and convoluted story that tried so hard to mean something @ the end. Ugh--we were more like MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER the entire time--talking and heckling. I have so much fun with Ms. Irate. She is just a kickass gal. And I stayed out WAY too late and I almost wish I didn't feel like shite or I would go out again b/c I was invited to watch HORROR movies and chill again @ The Irate One's but that would just be asking for myself to get sicker. And if you think I'm whiny now...just wait till I lose my voice!

I'm not sure what I'm up to tonight...I may try to get Jaime to come down here...but I don't know if I'll be able to pull that off. Of course I'm feeling like shite so maybe I should just say FUCK IT and stay in like a normal person. Stefan is spinning tonight and I already told him I couldn't do it. He's got Jackie now for moral support.

I dyed my hair--tis really really really red. No, like REALLY red. JEEMY emailed me again with his new email addy but still now word on what he has in store for me and www.simplyjd.com Only time will tell.

++++++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++++++


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