
It took a girl like me...to bring me to your knees
I stayed out WAY too late last nite. But its like, Kell's been sick, and we can’t chill @ her house really.  Stefan is MIA b/c he's like totally in LURVE with his new girlfriend and has totally admitted to ditching me and Ry. So J to the Rizzock is cool as all hell to chill with, she likes to drink and watch fucked up shite. And since I went back to Ze Comic Shop specifically to work with her and Lou, and I never actually work with either of them, its gotta be chillin with some scotch and ginger ale @ Ms. Irate's flat till 2AM or however long I stayed. So needless to say I'm tired today. I need a shower. I have a half hour left of work and absolutely nothing to do. I'm still depressed.

And when I say depressed, I mean psycho.

I'm not happy with my friends, I'm not happy with my relationship. I feel like me and JD are simply coexisting in the same space together and I hate it. Its so generic right now. I love him so much and I just feel this ambivalence cast over us and everything around us. We're busy: the site, work, trip planning, etc. I'm doing that whole "remember when we first start going out?" thing in my head. Stefan being all gay about him relationship doesn't help with me wanting to examine my own. I am starting to wonder why I work a second job but know if I quit I'll just be bored again on Saturdays like I always was.

MILLAR emailed me again today for my address; JEEMY hasn't emailed me; ANDY LEE is mos def gonna be in Philly. I'm trying to get Ms. Irate to come hang out with ze crew on Friday.  We shall see...Keg Leg needs to get her ass down here as well. She's been sick. We both think we have the HENRY THE IV.The HI-FIVE. THE NINJA. Hehehehe;god I miss O&A!!! But seriously this cold/allergy thing is just lame.

I've started playing TEKKEN 4 again. Unlocked all the characters yesterday before I left for JRock's house. Hopefully I can get some TEKKEN FORCE play in tonight.  That is if I don't pass out from exhaustion and/or general malaise.
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