CD Review WITH TEETH by Nine Inch Nails
I am in love with NIN and quite smitten with TRENT REZNOR as well. So just so you know, I'm a bit biased and am hard pressed to even think of a NIN song that I don't absolutely lurve. I'm not just saying that to be a kiss ass but I really truly admire the pain and electronic/metal mayhem that is NINE INCH NAILS.
I waited as patiently as a saint for the new album. A new song here and there by Mr. Reznor always proved to be a mere tease to WITH TEETH, which finally debuted last week. Now with 2 weeks before the concert in which I will be as close to Trent as I probably will ever get, I have listened to the new album 8 or 9 times over 2 days, and although it didn't at first hold sway over me with instantaneous admiration, it has now grafted itself with wounded beauty to my brain and refuses to unstick. Or maybe its b/c I glued it there. :WINK:
The first thing you might notice about the new single is the commercial value or the sheer "catchiness" of the song. It grabs hold and takes you for a ride with "The hand that feeds" lyrics' practically begging to be the theme song of the new RIDLEY SCOTT film:
"what if this whole crusade's...
a charade?
and behind it all there's a price to be paid
for the blood
on which we dine
justified in the name of the holy and the divine"
The second song available--"THE LINE BEGINS TO BLUR" is much more raw sounding and both songs together might give you an accurate picture of the whole album...but not really. Trent starts with the epic "All the love in the world" and ends with 3 songs that seem to meld and glide effortless into one another with "The line..", "beside you in time", and "right where it belongs" (his customary slow ender). In between are real songs, not the instrumentals that J Jonah may sadly miss but I can kiss goodbye gracefully, b/c it is in Trent's mix of hurting lyrics with well-crafted noise that makes me a fan. "every day is exactly the same" should be played at work on high volume in the throes of monotony, while "only" is yet another anthem for the selfish and shallow. "with teeth" makes me want to kill someone--but in that good way--esp. the way the Trent takes a 2 syllable phrase and transforms it into 4. His voice goes between scream and high pitched sigh in the span of a few minutes--and maybe I got greedy with the double CD but honestly I can't wait for more halo's come out from this disc so I can collect the whole set.
Your CD collection is crying for some more pain and anguish...won't you give WITH TEETH a good home?
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