
+the PET History of Ze Brickthrower+ No. 4

I wasn't the only one that tortured our pets!!!
Barger II, my sister Shacky's Minature Schnauzer was the pet we had the longest (with the exception of PRETTY BIRD whom can be seen in an upcoming "PET history" installment)--this doggie was in our care in Reno, NV -and- Plantation, Fl (aka Satan's Asshole). I am more a cat person, but if I get a place big enough to have a dog or 2, one of them will be a miniature schnauzer and the other a pit bull (see CHRISTALE).
BARGER was a little ball of fury, very protective of our family in the "all bark, no bite" sense. If you entered the house, she would bark and growl for a good hour before she was ready to give you a chance with the fam. Both the pictures below show her shagginess:

(((**Barger, Dog of the Year and getting curlers put in her beard from Shacky**)))

My mom would take her to get groomed and she would come back looking like a gruff old man--beard nicely trimmed and short gray hair cropped close. You don't know how much you miss something until its gone, and even though she was a smaller dog she didn't have the hyper nature to her like subsequent puppies we kept. BARGER was by far one of my favorite pets--even if I didn't show that hound the love when she was around. Alas, the move to Florida was too disruptive for her, she began peeing on EVERYTHING and this led to my mom giving her away (a pattern that would continue into Pennsylvania and other pets; the giving away, not the peeing). The verdict: dogs with beards=2 cute!!!
+++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


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