Still not done HP--get off my back!
I came home from work and got ready to meet THE BRIT @ Beth and Wayne's. Ash was looking as cute as ever, and I was giddy with excitement about gellin' with him on South Street. We went to the comic shop first, where I caught up on 3 months worth of back issues: grand total: $61.77. Me and the Ex could spend this much in a week combined so I'm thinking my comic habit isn't as expensive as I had thought. We then headed to Jims Steaks where Ash ordered a pepper steak w/wiz, onions and a Corona--I had a reg. steak w/american and a guinness to wash it down. He was wholly impressed by the food; I like TONY LUKES better :wink:. We hadn't heard from Beth yet so I decided to take my Brit to MANNY BROWNS for some after dinner drinks. We talked baseball and music and all that, then after many a text from Stefan and Kell (who were waiting for us), we headed back to No-Libs. This was really the last major contact I had with Ashley, as we then met up with B&W and Lisa, Larry and Christina for drinks @ DEUCE. Iwould've liked to talk more to him but we were in a group setting and I don't want to be too forward. I did get a hug and a kiss upon my departure, have his digits and email, and hope he actually stays in contact. Even if there weren't immediate sparks, I'd still marry him so he could stay over here. :wink:
I finished out my class at 3:30, came home and began the moving out process. This consisted of grabbing a few things from home, going to the storage space and getting the rest of my things, going to Target for odds and ends, then unloading everything at the new place. My A/C is broken (Carey is getting me a new one on Tuesday), so I had a huge fan and was just sweating hardcore but unpacked most everything I need and set up what I could. I trashed my desk but the 'rents are hooking me up with a TV and desk so its all good. I need a PS2 though. I called Ry to see if he wanted to join me for dinner @ NEW WAVE, Carey's place of business. And Rae just arrived so I shall continue this later.
****I'm back****
Ry and Stefan met me @ the NEW WAVE CAFE for dinner with Carey as our server. She hooked us up with our first drink and the food was exquisite. I asked her what her plans for the night were and she had nothing in mind AND was getting off work shortly so I told her we would meet up @ the apt. and go from there. I took the boys back to the place to check it out--I got some kick ass things @ TARGET including a Mizrahi "ship light" and a new stereo. I am more excited than anything that I get to decorate this place with my own eccentricity--my hats, my LEGOLAS standee, christmas lights, black light, crazy posters and whatnot. The room is a bright sky blue so I'm going to accent that with purple, black and silver. My Mema's quilt works perfectly with it.
Anyway, Carey joined us back @ No-Libs where we kicked the boys' asses @ pool in the lover-ly Winchester, then chilled @ the house while I made my party favors for Nic's bridal shower. Carey is quite the hip chick and we have alot in common including a penchant for using vocabulary that goes right over Stefan's head. It was an awesome night, even Ry stayed up until 4am which is an accomplishment in of itself.
I got up and had breakfast @ PENROSE since it was right next to POPI's, the site of the bridal shower. It was quite nice; Dane sat next to me and we caught up, got to see Lindsay, Craig, and Mike (the old roomie who will now be escorting me down the aisle come October), and awkwardly avoided the ex b/c I don't exist anymore. Marc and Nic got hooked up and the food was awesome and it was just a nice time. I stopped in Wal-Mart to check out shevling and decided on a shelf that I shall promptly be buying once my loan comes through. Then I went to TLA VIDEO and rented a ton of movies and ran into Wayne quite happenstance.
I went to Ry and Stefan's--who left with the dirtiest kitchen I've ever seen and no dishwasher detergent. I could strangle them both and Ry already deserves it for his HP faux paus. As previously mentioned, Rae came over with Lola and we took her to the Winchester but she was attacked by some other dog so we went to AZURE instead. Open mic, good music, mega touch, awesome food, and Todd the bartender. Who has a great voice and requested digits. We closed out the bar and joined him @ his place but left pretty promptly. It was an interesting night.
Here at work. Rachelle is back so I couldn't be happier to be here. I applied for my loan, leave early for more court-related bull shite, deposit my paycheck into my citizens acct., and then I'm going to go home and watch movies and veg. Maybe get sushi from KOI...mmmm.
+++++++++end of transmission++++++++++