

A night that will live in infamy as perhaps the most fun I've ever had on South Street and MOS DEF the most fun I've ever had at a show.

I went with platonic life partner Stefan to see them...on a whim really. Mr. Erik S Burham had highly recommended them to me so I bought the tix even before buying the album. After about 1000 listens per day, I was ready for the show (having only been privy to the songs for about 4 days). The tickets were $15; I guarantee you will never be able to see them in the Filthadelphia area for that cheap -OR- at that small a venue again.

They opened the show with "NA NA NA NA NAA"--a fun tune about how both girl and song alike cannot move lead singer RICKY WILSON to dance--but is so infectious that you can't help but get down. Upon seeing the band IRL for the first time, I noticed that we had walked right past bassist SIMON RIX earlier that day on South Street. I knew those pants were too tight for an American! The crowd was going bloody wild, I could not stop smiling due to the sheer rush of endorphins from hearing and seeing such a great show. RICKY WILSON never shut down, "PEANUT" BAINES coming out to egg the crowd on into "I PREDICT A RIOT", drummer NICK HODGSON picking up vocals that WILSON missed, and 'WHITEY' WHITE playing guitar riffs that are still stuck in my head. The set list as I remember in it (not in order and omitting the ones I already mentioned):
“modern way”
“you can have it all” (the one for the ladies)
“Oh my god”
“born to be a dancer”
“Saturday night”
“Time Honoured Tradition”

And like 2 or 3 songs not on the album. More kinetic than COLDPLAY, more punk than FRANZ (these kids sound like THE RAMONES and DEAD KENNEDYS depending on the song), bloody fan-fucking-tastic. If they don't win the MERCURY PRIZE this year, then I'm predicting a riot dammit!
++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I predicted a riot! (;

7/22/2005 02:16:00 PM  

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