
"I'm sorry I almost got you guys all raped"

Spider says WHAT WHAT???

My head hurts...and I got 2 parking tickets b/c I was in front of a fire hydrant all weekend.

I bought a dress for the MILLARWORLD piss-up. I'm getting WAY TOO dressed up for this bad boy. But you only live once. I'm driving up though so looks like it'll be just a little pirate rum for me. At least I can give Frankie his birthday prezzie that way instead of paying for postage.

Tonight, I dyed my bangs. I also fixed up links for my SmartGroup and created a blog for THE BAND THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED: http://shallnotbenamed.blogspot.com . Tomorrow I dye the rest of the hair and rent some new releases to review. No practice Thursday, but on Friday I am getting my head shaved FINALLY and having dinner @ HIKARU, my fave sushi place in the whole wide world. They make a PHILLY ROLL to die for and a SOUTH STREET ROLL which is pretty stellar too.

I emailed Donna about some annoyances I've had at work and we're supposed to discuss them tomorrow. I didn't want to bitch too much but I just need something, at least one job, taken off me. I get way too stressed with the major stuff I'm doing right now. It shall be the death of me. Well that, or the massive amounts of alcohol and pills and whatnot that I consume. Everyone has a vice. Mine just happens to be everything.

So yeah, 2 tickets @ $40 a piece=Ze Brickthrower FUCT UP.
At least Spider Jerusalem still loves me, even if he NEVER stops yelling.

I posted a thread on MILLARWORLD about how underrated DARICK ROBERTSON is. B/c that man deserves better. And I actually agreed with something RICH JOHNSTON said when he said BILL JEMAS is the most misunderstood man in comics. Even if JEEMY hasn't gotten back to me recently regarding, well, anything. JOHNSTON even mentioned JD in the interview that JIM LEE conducted here:


I'm not sure if I'm tired or just terribly bored. I was gonna take some pirate pictures but I've lost motivation. Stefan has gotten a MAC now though so he's stylin.

And 13 members on smartgroup!!! Rokken...like Dokken even.

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Definitive List of possible band names for THE BAND THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED


THE WRONG REBELLION -or- SEND THEM FLYING (<===possible band names)

My Weekend could be summed up with statement:
As in--I did FUCK ALL. Here's a details rundown:
SUNDAY: fuck all
SATURDAY: fuck all!
Friday: I actually read a little and switched my bass and guitar places (guitar in the basement, bass in the office). I ventured outside and hit up THE DRUIDS KEEP with Jackie, Stefan and Ry The Scot, followed by a few games of ASSHOLE (the card game).

I tried to be product on Saturday by practicing the cover songs we're doing in THE BAND THAT SHALL NEVER BE NAMED (b/c all my names were shot down by the drummer and THE UNDERWORLD was show down by me. Way to bloody over-used) and uploaded pictures to our SMARTGROUP. All 10 of the SMARTGROUP memebers now have 11 con pictures to viddy. I wanted to read and write. But wanting is a very far action from doing. I watched a lot of movies: ZOOLANDER, CANNONBALL RUN, SYLVIA, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, the NIN live DVD AND ALL THAT COULD HAVE BEEN.

I don't remember if I have mentioned on this thing that Bock has relapsed again. but I have nothing left for him. My tears seem to come easier for sad movies like SYLVIA than they do for the boy I loved for so long.

I took a bubblebath as well. I'm just staying in and hoping to save money. B/c I need it. I've gotten myself back into debt hardcore. Rock on. JD is putting on some DISNEY animation that I have no real desire to watch (THE PRINCE OF EGYPT) so I'll probably continue to drink and take a shower to wash this greasy hair.

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Me and Ron Garney, taken @ B-More Con 2004


SimplyJD Online is on Smart Groups Bitches!!!

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The Thoughts of an Emotional Vampire...

I just finished my GWEN STEFANI album review and in the end go out and tell people to buy FELIX DA HOUSECAT. Well, its a better album. Sorry to say.

I've listened to Gwennie 6 times now. I think I can say that and not sound mean. I do like her album. DEVIN DAZZLE is a better one though.

I also emailed Kurt who just got back from Germany where it seems alot of alcohol consumption and comparison went down. Did I mention my dad went to Amsterdam? My father went to the fucking red light district in amsterdam before me. How is that fair? Like at all? He dug it though...and said the smell of mary jane permeated every establishment they entered. Rock on kittlings~

I'm missing this incredible show tomorrow. WINK, PETE MOSS and fuck all @ transit. I really wanted to go. I'm missing AC now as well...but I want to buy a stunning dress for the semi-formal X-mas "piss-up" that is going on in NYC for the MILLAR elite. I'm trying to get Jeemy to join us. Frankie is even going to be there. I just want to look classy and 80's @ the same time. I doubt this can be accomplished but I shall strive.

Speaking of 80's--I got this zip-up cardigan that is a cross between a straight jacket and a MICHAEL JACKSON "beat-it" leater coat. I also got these hook earrings that are just long chains with black hearts on the end. I've gone completely mad. But I love both items more than I love my new VICTORIAS SECRET underwear (and as I may not have mentioned, I have quite the penchant for panties)...and that's saying alot.

So the new band--yeah, its actually happening. i'm doing it for myself this time. And I had fun and so I'm in the band. I want to come up with a cool name. But we're all from such different eras. We are attempting an IGGY POP cover ("lust for life") so I'm happy. I printed out the tab I really need to try it out this weekend. I have a feeling its going to be a faster song than I'm used to. We're also doing "Mister Crowley." I'm not quite sure how LX feels about the whole thing but I'm hoping that he'll stay on despite his utter greatness in DIODEGEIST. B/c they are just too fucking cool. (I'm not being sarcastic here--even JD was freaking out when he heard their song). BAND NAME IDEAS BEFORE I FORGET!!!!
Optophobia--fear of opening one's eyes
Akuma Stitch
Nicolas Rasp

*SPARKS* energy/alcoholic drink is ruling my school, although it will be me and Pops drinking BEZLEBUTH tomorrow night for Thanxgiving Eve.

Ok, I've been in this chair much to much too long.
+++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++


PERSONALITY DISORDER TEST RESULTS--just a simple yes or no questionnaire--

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv
URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/disorder_information2.html

I have been anti-social all weekend except with my lover to make creations such as this. I have gone out, both nights to south street and both nights ending up @ the Pontiac Grille. Sushi was had and meetings with Owner Nick. Much to tell. But not right now. Instead, Moto Whiteboots (yes, the boots are pink...I know.)+++++++end of transmission++++++++++


Mr. Ellis is sick; I sent him an E-Greeting with a cute lil kitty kat...
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 11:04:54 EST
Re: Check out the eCard I sent you from Yahoo! Greetings

"That's a lie. I'm smiling right now thinking of how sappy you'll think this card is and how much it will make you gag."


[This made my day, even if you don't get it]
++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


The Lack of Human Contact...

Talking to someone is not contact, not in the sense that I need it.
Emails are not contact, not in the sense that I need it.
Text Messaging and Phone conversations are not contact, not in the sense that I need it.

*in other news*
+tonight I'm meeting with Mike and his new bandmate @ Wyld Studios in Philly. I'm really hoping this will be a chance at playing in a band again.
+I am going to ask for some cheap computer audio producing software for Christmas. Me and Frankie need to be collaborating more.
+I started writing a story about my addicitons and can't seem to stop writing.
+Sometimes I just need to cry and say what's wrong and I feel so much better. But I can only do this when provoked, and not with a poke with a stick. Real questions will get real answers out of me
+Trip to AC in the works for J-Z, Keg Leg and Ze Brickthrower! Stay tuned
+Meeting with Owner Nick this weekend
+Going to see FTC play with a show for $1 in P-Ville on Friday
+J-Z hooked up the cuban cigars...now if only I had a place to smoke them. I'm gonna go look for a cigar bar...there's gotta be one around here.

Now fuck off.
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My outercourse activity is dry humping!

Which Sexual Outercourse Act Are You? (with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

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http://aurorealis.com/ <===this girl's blog is hella cool. If I linked blogs on my page all the time, she would be @ the top.

You are Sadie. Pure evil. You are hateful and spiteful.
You are Sadie. Pure evil. You are hateful and

Which Living Dead Doll are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

+++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++
This cracker is making my brain hurt...

I'm sitting here listening Eminem's newest album b/c I have to review it. And its just making me want to kill myself even more than I already do.

I am ghost of myself right now. I have been out with friends, mingled, got drunk, did all the weekend stuff that is supposed to make the weekend worthwhile. But it has done nothing except push me further away from everyone. I'm quite sure if someone (ANYONE??!!!) placed their hand on me right now, their fingertips would penetrate my skin and go right through. There is nothing inside right now. A useless shell that is going through the motions of work and writing and emailing. And really, I'm sick of it and I don't feel like doing any of it.

This album is really fucking stupid. But you know I'll try to spin it into something better than one line of "This album is really fucking stupid." I had even started to respect this retard but the pointless and boring drivel that makes up this album does nothing to even penetrate the shell of the person I used to be.

I'm so fucking out...
+++++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++


The Haze…

Its not even depression anymore. Malaise is a good word for it as well. The fact that although I have been getting quite a bit of sleep and progressing nicely with my writing and my MK DECEPTION playing, I’m staying home and feeling absolutely nothing. I miss certain things. If I talk about them here I’m liable to get into trouble so its best just to leave it at that. Unloved, uncared for, a slight amusement for those around me and most of the time I’m not even that.

My father, instead of hugging and kissing us and telling us that he loved us would show his love with materials. Whether it be money, or food on the table, or helping me find a new car. This is how I know my daddy loves me. I am very accustom to it from him. I am needy in my friendships in a way I would never be with my family. I need that contact more than I need air. My skin is cold…and its not b/c of the manufactured air blowing down on my head from the vents. I am just without…without anything at all.

I am close to broke again and what do I have to show for it? A chicken quesadilla and some alcohol. Rock’n’Roll.

I’m pretty sure my cat still loves me though…
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Don't take me personally right now...

Please...anyone I come into contact with...don't take me as how I really feel. I'm just totally anti-social right now. I don't know why but I am just content with being alone right now. I need it.

If I have that perma-scowl...its just me and my own demons. Nothing about any of you.

This is not for you.

++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


Our new office is like...totally small.

I will continue this post in half-valley girl/half droog speak. Ok? Whatever!

Work totally sucked today. We didn't get the printer working until noon and I was about to perform a little bit of ultraviolence on certain people's yarbles. But I got through it and we got our ID's and I made all my bookings and you know...like stuff. http://www.simplyjd.com <==click me droogie!

My newest music reviews are up. They're like totally cool and about JIMMY EAT WORLD and A PERFECT CIRCLE. I had a bit of pain in my gulliver but I think some moloko will make me feel better.

God this is so dumb. I'm stopping this nonsense right now.
I've got knees. I love you bye!!!
+++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


I don't think you miss me
don't think you'll cry when I say good bye
I don't think you wish me
there with you with every fiber of your soul
instead you curse me
under breath, secret and silent
But I see you mouth the words
THE WRETCHED always know.
Count Bodies Like Sheep

My feet are very cold, pushing against each other in the hopes to conduct heat. My head is pouding to the point of delirium and nausea. I am a girl with expensive tastes it seems...as I picked out a $60 micro brew called BEZLEBUTH @ the beer distributor. It was 13% beer...and I only had 3. The 3 can kid...thats me!

So with the head hurting and the pains in the gulliver (I've been doing droog-speak for about 3 days now...don't ask why), I'm not one to venture outside. But I also just got paid and food is scarce, as is morale. JD has to clean out his roll-top desk so we can set up the curio. Of course, we have no where to put the stuff in the desk so that means we need to get something to put it in. And yes, we were @ ikea yesterday, he wants to go back today. And they say girls are fickle. I love me man to death so I shall abide. Tis the least I can do for the man that bought me 60 dollar beer. (and yes its yummy and actually worth the money, although not for everyone).

I got to ASHRAH in KONQUEST mode on MK finally and ain't she a bitch? God she has this one combo that I don't know even how to being to perform. Its cool...I shall persevere.

I'm reviewing JIMMY EAT WORLD and A PERFECT CIRCLE for my music reviews this week. I'm listening to APC right now...if only I could fucking start writing them.

Ech...head is pounding.
+++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


When Cold doesn't even begin to describe your freezing-ness...or is it the other way around?

It is rainy and horrid outside. I got splashed getting in my car to get $5 worth of gas b/c I have to take it to get the oil changed tonight. At least I got some good news, my dad may help me co-sign for a used car. I dig it. I need something new b/c that mini-van is a bitch. A total bitch.

Look! I have a nation now======> http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=ko_mesume_akuma


You can pick your flag, currency, mascot, motto, and government. At least I can pretend to live there instead of the US where 50% of our great nation thinks BUSH should continue to be president. I can't fucking believe it still. I'm talking about it but if I were to really think about it I'd be so fucking pissed. So instead I drink ze pirate rum and do my reviews and freeze in my little office that makes my neck hurt.
I finished my review and hopefully JD is putting it up now. I have still have to write my mass mailer but I'm just not in the mood right now. I think that rain is making me so achy.
My plans this weekend are to stay in--with a coupld errands here and there. I'm getting sushi with LX tomorrow after work but that's my only plan. I have to do my music reviews and I'm just so glad its a half day tomorrow. I can dig it.
I finished my required reading for the PALAHNIUK book already so I'm just chillin right now.
+++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++



Actually its been so slow that it’s been making me crazy. But then today it got extremely busy so I couldn’t write my DAWN OF THE DEAD review during lunch. So that shifts everything till tonight. Not a big deal…just time consuming computer shite that makes Ze Brickthrower crazy…
Here’s my TO DO list:
1—Write the DAWN OF THE DEAD review
2—Download eMOTIVe from NAPSTER to review
3—Final edit/HTML Code THE TESSERACT review
4--Critique Frankie’s newest songs for M!’s most recent film project.

Yesterday I had GORMAN but she didn’t even bloody charge me b/c she said we just had a social visit. I just told her about my engagement and we talked politics the rest of the time. I chickened out on telling her I had gone off ZOLOFT awhile back. Oh well, there’s always December when I see her again.
After that, I went to J-Z’s for some movie watching and listening to all of the goodness that is AQUA. I already downloaded the entire album off NAPSTER. They’re way too cool for school!!!! Yes yes.
So GEORGE W. BUSH is president once again. I’m acting calm but inside I’m about to freak out. P. DIDDY’s VOTE OR DIE should’ve been VOTE FOR KERRY OR DIE b/c ole W is just setting us up for more world hatred, etc. Argh…
But I have rum so I guess I shouldn’t be bitching so much.
But wait…there’s more! My car’s CHECK ENGINE light is coming on again and flashing this time…so that may just fuck up me and JD’s weekend plans. Which will totally suck. I’m just going to get my oil changed and hope that does the trick. B/c its been awhile for that.
I’ve started reading DIARY by Palahniuk for this free online course I’m taking. It’s hella cool. I feel like I’m in an easy English class again. J But no paper or blue book at the end of the semester. Sweet!

I’m trying to get my sister to come out and visit so I can take her out to Northern Liberties for her birthday. Its just my fave part of the city and I know she’s been lonely w/Lance getting trained to be a statey. 2 more days left in C-City before we move down to South Philly. I’m gonna be making up all sorts of excuses to come back up this way. I’ll miss being able to walk to South St. and look at vinyl. Ok, enough drivel.
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Me and Sid Vicious, AKA Stefan. See them all @ http://www.picturetrail.com/psychowank
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What? Ry and Stefan's Halloween Party...this is me and Ry as CRAZY 88's. My costumer was WAY better. :wink: