"I'm sorry I almost got you guys all raped"
Spider says WHAT WHAT???
My head hurts...and I got 2 parking tickets b/c I was in front of a fire hydrant all weekend.
I bought a dress for the MILLARWORLD piss-up. I'm getting WAY TOO dressed up for this bad boy. But you only live once. I'm driving up though so looks like it'll be just a little pirate rum for me. At least I can give Frankie his birthday prezzie that way instead of paying for postage.
Tonight, I dyed my bangs. I also fixed up links for my SmartGroup and created a blog for THE BAND THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED: http://shallnotbenamed.blogspot.com . Tomorrow I dye the rest of the hair and rent some new releases to review. No practice Thursday, but on Friday I am getting my head shaved FINALLY and having dinner @ HIKARU, my fave sushi place in the whole wide world. They make a PHILLY ROLL to die for and a SOUTH STREET ROLL which is pretty stellar too.
I emailed Donna about some annoyances I've had at work and we're supposed to discuss them tomorrow. I didn't want to bitch too much but I just need something, at least one job, taken off me. I get way too stressed with the major stuff I'm doing right now. It shall be the death of me. Well that, or the massive amounts of alcohol and pills and whatnot that I consume. Everyone has a vice. Mine just happens to be everything.
So yeah, 2 tickets @ $40 a piece=Ze Brickthrower FUCT UP.
At least Spider Jerusalem still loves me, even if he NEVER stops yelling.
I posted a thread on MILLARWORLD about how underrated DARICK ROBERTSON is. B/c that man deserves better. And I actually agreed with something RICH JOHNSTON said when he said BILL JEMAS is the most misunderstood man in comics. Even if JEEMY hasn't gotten back to me recently regarding, well, anything. JOHNSTON even mentioned JD in the interview that JIM LEE conducted here:
I'm not sure if I'm tired or just terribly bored. I was gonna take some pirate pictures but I've lost motivation. Stefan has gotten a MAC now though so he's stylin.
And 13 members on smartgroup!!! Rokken...like Dokken even.
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