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Adulthood - A New Hope Celebrating 30 Years of Star Wars

As a young girl with a mom that was rather fond of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre in film and TV, I was aware of Star Wars at a very young age. Silly me, I thought because my mother enjoyed the trilogy that it obviously wasn't cool enough for me. All this changed the winter of my 16th year, when Star Wars : A New Hope was re-released in theaters.

I saw the movie opening night in a packed theater. I couldn't even sit with my friends because we arrived late and seats were scarce. It might have been peer pressure that got me into the movie house that night but after that it was not even an hour into the film before I had an epiphany and professed my utter devotion to everything Star Wars. From that moment on I was obsessed.

How obsessed you ask? I support my assertion with 3 items for your consideration:
#1 : August 1999, I get my one and only tattoo, the Imperial Symbol (aka The Dark Side!):

Though my mom is just as much as fan as I am, it seems her love does not translate the same way. She is surprisingly *not* a fan of the tattoo.

I was partial to the fact that usually only the hardcore Star Wars fans are able to recognize the symbol. No regret on this one.

#2 : October, 1999, I dress up as Darth Maul for Halloween.

True, this is a character from the 2nd trilogy, but you really can't go wrong with any costume that allows the wielding of a double-bladed light saber.

Fun Fact - this is a little boy's costume

Oh and...my light saber didn't really light up, one of my friends photoshopped this pic. But no worries kittlings, my lack of "light" in the "saber" was eventually alleviated...

#3 : January, 2007, my boyfriend acquires a "functional" light saber for my pleasure.

My boyfriend does not share my interest when it comes to Star Wars and I am quite sure he finds my utter fangirl-dom a bit strange. Nevertheless the boy saw this Darth Maul light saber at Sharper Image and knew that I would love it. He was right. The realistic hum when this baby is turned on is enough to make me squeal in delight. Out of all of my film props and replicas I possess(and I have quite a few), this is by far my favorite.

It's been 30 years since the original Star Wars, longer than I've been alive. I can't say that I grew up with Han Solo and Darth Vader yet I maintain that my most treasured memories of my teenage years as I matured and "came of age" are littered with scenes of Chewbacca, Emperor Palpatine, and Yoda.

If anything, the trilogy gave me the grand push into pop culture. Thanks be to Star Wars.
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Please! Bury me with it!

I feel like I was putting everything on hold for news that never came.

On the outside, I’m taking the lack of news pretty well.

On the inside, I want to scream. I doubt I’ll ever get a change like that again—and it seems to be gone. I would be lying if I said it was an honor just to be nominated.

I’ve been living life in slow motion, but swallowing my meds almost like clockwork, making mountains out of molehills, cursing the coward in me, craving cole slaw and crab legs, kissing my boyfriend with the fervor of a Kamikaze, making new friends, trying not to forget old ones, planning diet changes and buying weekly transpasses instead of tokens, hardly saving money, wanting my bike fixed, missing my family, taking pictures of Flat Yasmin, listening to OF MONTREAL and LCD SOUNDSYSTEM any time I can, and silently wishing I had gotten a phone call back from that bloody house of ideas.
I spent last weekend indoors for the most part:
FRIDAY-Maura, Loretta and I had the 1st Balthazar –OR- Bust Meeting; basically it’s just an excuse to get together, drink and watch BALTHAZAR GETTY movies until our hearts are content. We didn’t end up watching any movies that night however, as we went on a fool’s mission to South Philly—and SUCCEEDED!!! Loretta’s roommates Sprite and Becca made us some amazing chow, we hung out and chatted and drank Canadian Club and Jack Daniels. It was awesome.
SATURDAY-Jacob had to be at the theater early so I got up about 20 mins after he left (9am), washed the dishes, chilled on the internets. Jacob came home with a sandwich for me, then we napped until he had to get up and leave for work again. I went back to mine, showered and got dolled up and went to see the final performance of CABARET, the play that Jacob’s been running light board for. We stuck around after the show and got drinks and food, it was fun.
SUNDAY-Stayed in with the exception of heading to the grocery store for the fixin’s for a pasta salad. It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. Here is my recipe if you’re interested:
1 box Rotini pasta
15-20 grape tomatoes-halved
15-20 small broccoli florets-halved lengthwise
5 cloves garlic, minced very finely
Parmasean and Cheddar Cheese (as desired)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Newmans Own© 3 Cheese Balsamic Vinegarette (as desired)
Mince garlic and cook in skillet with some olive oil until browned, cut up vegetables, cook pasta, combine all ingredients and add EVOO and Vinegarette as desired. Cheese and Paramasean sprinkled over top or as desired.

Jacob almost finished Season 2 of LOST, just 2 more episodes I believe and then I’ll start nabbing the 3rd season for him.

Happy Anniversary to Jeffy and Me; it’s been 1 year since we met.

And the one month countdown begins today until I move in with Jacob!!!!

I’m going to see Glengarry Glenross with Carey on Thursday; Friday is a going away get together for a co-worker @ Chickie and Petes, and Jacob and I are going to try to Hit up Jamar Nichols gallery show. Rock and Roll.

HEROES was kinda lame last night. BACK TO FUTURE PART 2 anyone? THE RICHES was good though—that show is consistently enjoyable so far. EDDIE IZZARD may affect an American accent but he’s still funny as all hell.

Yep, that's about it. It's been great weather outside and I"m just fighting that anxious feeling that always haunts me this time of year. So it goes...
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