
Well My Stars!!!

TGIF mothertruckers...that's all I gotta say. I have been coming in before 8am everyday since the towing incident to hopefully make a little spare cash so I can you know, survive. B/c as it stands right now I'm going to have charge a few things again and that really sucks. But I don't see any other way right now.

I talked to BOCKY today--he's gonna have a kid!!! That's just fuct. His Hep C is in remission so that's good. I just hope he's happy. And clean. Or as clean as he can be.

My head should be shaved but last night i watched THE BOURNE SUPREMACY and got quite lit. Its all Ry The Scot's fault--magnificent bastard.

Plans for this weekend are as follows:
==hanging with my secret boyfriend
==helping Mr. Cyphere move into his new house
==stop by No-Town for my mail
==get my computer out of storage
==begin helping Stefan with his resume

I figured out the majority of the bassline for "JENNY WAS A FRIEND OF MINE" b/c THE KILLERS are rokken. But LCD SOUNDSYSTEM has been stuck in my head for about a million years but I dont' have the CD so I only get it in small doses.

Today is so boring I just want to get out of here, get to Wachovia to put some money in my acct., drop my NEWS RADIO eppy's off at TLA (and rent something else if I can think of something good), get home and either head over to DRUIDS for a game of darts -or- stay in and go out later. I don't want to spend money like I have been doing--just get a lambic and play some darts. We can avoid the godforsaken hot shots that have been there like every night since we played them last. I feel like I'm being watched and judged on skill.

I'm so bored I can't even type. Now that's just sad.
+++++++++end of transmission++++++++++


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