
The *NEW* Obsession

Darts bitches. Rae brought over 2 sets so now we can bring our own to DRUIDS. We got schooled hardcore last night but some hustlers name Jonathon and Julian...but we're all getting better. The team of S&M (me and Sausalito) beat out R&R (Ry and Rae) so I think its safe to say that I have a new favorite game, and SURPRISE SURPRISE, it involves sharp pointy objects.

Also--new COLDPLAY is awesome but the new WHITE STRIPES is pure heaven. I am in love with JACK WHITE and his pencil moustache.

Lefty Joves left me a message in his forum...it was really nice. I don't know what to believe b/c he's sincere one moment and full of hate the next but regardless it was a nice thing to read. It made me feel sad and happy at the same time. That makes no sense but it does to me so fuck y'all. All my stuff is in storage mostly--just waiting for this house thing to come through--but waiting even more for MARVEL or DC to realize what they're missing and hire me.

Went to 2 BBQ's this weekend including a swank upper echelon work one with caterers and a moon bounce. I was playing with some girls and they had me jumping like a fiend. I am still sore. But it was sooooo much fun. You can tell my anemia is really kickin' my ass right now--i'm bruised from head to toe. It doesn't help I try to be cool and slap box with Stefan and Ry.

Kell's, shower, J-Z's and a little socializing. I'm functioning on 3 hours of sleep. And it is AWESOME!!!!
+++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


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