
Going Back to Cali...

Happy Birthday Stefan! On this day you will dance the disco and relive your younger years when your ADHD wasn't as prominent. I *HEART* you and you'll always be my best friend...remember that goonie!!!

Tonight we're having a little get together in honor of Sausalito turning the ripe OLD age of 28...I still have to get a few things for the soiree but that's because cleaning my room, doing laundry and all that jazz took longer than I thought. My room is still not quite where I want it to be--but its shaping up. Mos def more liveable now that I have a place for everything (just need to put everything in its place).

So yeah, last night was work around the house...then I went over to Stefan's for a bit and chilled, did some crossword puzzles and watched some TV. Cried like a baby to the end of MAN ON FIRE even though I only watched probably the last half hour of it. Seems like a good movie indeed. Finally returned AZUMI w/o watching the end but I probably owe a pretty penny on it now.

The new obsession: POSTAL SERVICE--FS-like but dare I say...better?


As for the title of this installment, I am planning a January vacay to visit Nic, the girl I used to work with who rules the school and has offered me and Sausalito a place to stay in sunny San Diego. We're planning a JANUARY trip so we can leave the cold behind and gel in the warm sun. Should be a blast and relatively cheap. I"M PSYCHED!!! I have Reno next month and then Cali in January??? West Coast--RETURN OF ZE BRICKTHROWER!!!

+++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


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