

Why have you forsaken me???

(((I finished HP last nite...and cried for a half hour regardless of knowing a VERY IMPORTANT part of the end--please note that I *heart* SNAPE and I know he did what DD told him to do, but he ran away--making me very very very very sad)))

R.A.B.--I think I know who this is!!!!

Last nite was pretty mental. I fell asleep watching THE MACHINIST (I'm just re-watching at this point to pick up more subtleties) and woke up around 8pm. I had the strong desire for sushi and the need to finish HP. So I went to KOI and read, came home and read. Around 10:30 Care called to have me come over to her 'rents and get the A/C. Rae called and we planned to meet up. Upon waiting for her I finished HP and cried.

Having strong resolutions, we started out watching SLIDING DOORS and drinking chardonnay. But soon WORD DOJO was brought up and Todd the bartender was also mentioned. So we made the trek to AZURE but it was closed...so as it inevitably goes, we ended up @ The Winchester, where we chatted up D and Nicola, a alterna-boy and his Italian cousin. I was trying to communicate with him through a pidgen language of English, Spanish and Italian. We closed out the bar and they boys came over, I attempted to spin and then Todd called me. I finally persuaded him to come out and everyone hung out for awhile but it was bloody 5am when I finally went to sleep. I guess I might've shot down Todd in a way--he didn't seem happy leaving but I needed the rest. Tonight I'm watching the rest of my movies, dropping them off, and hopefully not succumbing to word dojo.

I got my loan so am buying the last of my needs for my room and will be getting everything settled tomorrow. I'm going to come home from the 'rents on Saturday and hopefully go see BATSUPSIDEDOWN play in Oreland. Sunday is a book meeting and while I have several title ideas, I'm not even sure what the cover choices are.

I got my NIN tickets, me and Rae are planning a vacay for next year, and THE BRIT has emailed me twice in the past 3 days. <3

++++++++end of transmission++++++++


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