
LOST and Circumstance


A couple things lead me to believe that HURLEY’s dream left elements that dwell in truth…SUCH AS:

+the milk carton HUGO drinks from has a picture of WALT with “MISSING” above it. But HUGO has been on the island the entire time and doesn’t know the fate of the boat crew yet. So how could his subconscious make that assumption unless it is showing the FUTURE as well as the PRESENT?

+the “JIN CAN SPEAK ENGLISH” theory—I still believe this. I just watched the episode that I was referring to last week regarding JIN understanding the SAWYER, MICHAEL and JACK yelling about him on the beach. It was actually the eppy that it is revealed that SUN knows English; and the beach scene is very compelling and substantial with evidence that Jin can understand English…but the other scene that is the clincher for me is when SUN is explaining to JIN why she didn’t leave him at the airport in Sidney. She talks to him in English. Why would she do this if he couldn’t understand it? He doesn’t stand there and ask her to speak in Korean—he just listens to her. BECAUSE HE CAN UNDERSTAND AND SPEAK ENGLISH DAMMIT!!!

+HUGO has this dream before JACK puts him in charge of the food, NOT after. This only leads me to believe that the dream was more PROPHETIC than a comment on HUGO’s psyche (albeit he was going to torch the food just so he wouldn’t have to deal with it which is pretty messed up anyway).

I agree with Sweet Lou’s idea that THE OTHERS are not the people that found JIN, SAWYER and MICHAEL. They are also hiding from them in a bunker on the other side of the island…the question is, do they have a button they have to push as well? And why did I think ROSE had died? And what caused those people to go all LORD OF THE FLIES primal quicker than our LOST group???

This show is becoming more and more of a mindfuck and its messing with my head. But I’ll hand over half my brain to the TV show if it stops those inner voices for a while.
+++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


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