
The Winnah…and still CHAM-PEEN!

Yes yes, Ze Brickthrower is the proud owner of a JUNO 106. I got a good deal b/c some of the slider knobs are gone but I should be able to get that repaired fairly easily, and it is functional w/o them. ROCK! I can’t believe I really have a synth now. I’m so happy. Of course, LX, my bandmate of the newly christened XADE has not been in work and is just MIA in general. He did try to call me last night but I was watching (and subsequently fell asleep to) KILL BILL VOL. 2. This was after a “very special” column in which I waxed poetic on my love for Asian Cult Cinema. It goes up tonight, if you click this link here
====> http://www.simplyjd.com then by this evening you will see the glory that is someone quite obsessed with this film genre.

I also got my comic shite together for our part of the trip. Tonight is my fashion whore organization, as I need to plan my outfit for every day there. Yes, its ridiculous, but I’m planning on represent Business Goth/Piratecore/LEGOLAS-fandom in every sense of the word. Stupid laundry. I hate it but it must be done. I will WATCH KILL BILL and maybe even UZUMAKI tonight if I’m lucky. Rock’n’Roll.

Jeemy just sent me some more info on the business plan. I wish I could accurately explain how he chose me to get involved in this but I thank my lucky stars every bloody day. He saw something in me that was worthy. JD, KOOP, and other boys may want to say it was just my rack or my looks, but I sincerely doubt that he would think I could write based on these attributes. At least I hope not.

I’ve been talking to Mr. Frank from NYC quite regularly and its been hella cool. He produces music that just sounds kickass and I can’t wait till I get my synth so I can start sending him some stuff so we can collaborate. I feel like I’m NOT wasting my life when I’m drawing or playing music. That’s a good thing.
I wish it was Friday and we were on a plane to Chi-Town. I can’t wait to see everyone. Andy, Stuart, Millar, David, awww…it will be so much fun. As for the BENDIS! interview, I really just want to have a loose framework of questions. That will be done tonight, as well as me reading his AVENGERS so I’m at least sorta in the know.
Tomorrow night will be spent re-reading THE ULTIMATES. Both me and JD hope that drunkenness ensues quickly as it will make for a much better story!

The Clonnies are keeping me sane. I just called in my ZOLOFT script, which I need to curb the bouts of depression that come and go non-stop. I also need my allergy pills but I’m prolly not gonna get those until I get back from Chi-Town. I really want a drink. JD swears to me that he loves me, in all my fucked up ways and needy ways and insane ways. That although I say one thing and do another. He has been communicating with me so much better and we’re both just doing a better job of communicating our problems WHEN we have them, not holding them in. I’m totally proud of us for that. I know its hard for him when he knows something is wrong and I don’t want to talk about it b/c I feel embarrassed or even just mad at myself for feeling certain ways. I want to marry him and be with him forever. On that note, I want a drink right now.

After last week the painful truth is that I AM NEVER GOING TO GET BETTER. I have not reduced meds, or lessened dosages. It’s been the exact opposite. I am now on 2 different tranqs, an anti-depressant, thyroid meds and still feel the need to drink and pop pills to feel ok. I AM NOT OK. I don’t know how much I need to scream this or if people will just accept this fact and know that as long as I can take something to make myself feel better, whether it be pills, drinks, or otherwise, I shouldn’t be faulted for that. B/c when I’m not under the influence, I go insane. I feel like my heads gonna snap right in half and all the evil that is in there is gonna pour out and affect the world.

I’ve been watching too many Asian Horror films.

The truth is even with writing, with art, with music, with love and with medicine, I still have problems. And I’m sorry for that but it’s the truth.

+++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


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