

Me and LX both totally wanted to be called SINISTAR, but it appears the name is already taken in like a thousand different variations. Why must we be plagued with the curse of the “no name band” syndrome??? We can’t decide on anything. But here are some more I was thinking of:
THE GRUDGE (this will no longer be cool once the movie comes out)

Those suck. Forget I even wrote them. Anyway, I need hair dye and soon. My roots are coming in really bad and I MUST get my head shaved before Chicago in the hopes that I will look more like a pirate and less like a chia pet. JD wants to get his hair tipped…I’m really not sure how I feel about this…

This weekend we spent in YORK pa, with the ‘rents. Can I vent for a couple seconds? I came there to visit of course because I hadn’t been there in a month. JD came with so it was fun b/c we just vegged and watched movies and Satellite TV and ate and drank tons. But I also got to witness Iron Belly do whatever she pleased and still sleep with me mum (she’s almost 13!). Jaci Red-Handed bought me a cool pirate flag, but then also got $300 bucks out of my parents for various things, while I signed to have power of attorney and executor of their wills and got money back from them that my mom was holding for me for my synth purchase. Now, I just hate the way they’re being taken advantage of and they just allow it to happen. It drives me totally mad. And maybe I am a bit pissed off that I don’t get help with anything and the thanks I get is few and far between. So whatever. I’m gonna quit whining now. I just wish the rest of their children wouldn’t walk all over them. They don’t’ deserve that shite.

As for THE VILLAGE…I totally dug it, the rest of the fam did not. I think that SHYMALAN gets really great performances out of people, everyone that was in it had a strain and sadness upon them (with the exception of HOWARD, who was the light of the whole film); I don’t’ want to say too much about it yet as I’m writing about it for this month’s column and I’ll wait till then to add spoilers but scene and shot-wise, there are certain parts that make the film on the whole worth it. Not my fave film of his but I was happy with it.

I also spent way too much money on various items—some stuff from HOT TOPIC, a music magazine from the UK, the new KEOKI CD, and a “music journal” for writing music tabliature. It was fun though and I got a lot of cool stuff so I can’t complain. That is all the shopping I can do for awhile though as CHI-TOWN and TORONTO are huge events that I need to save money for.

Its so slow in work today yet I still feel on the verge of an anxiety attack which totally sucks b/c I seem to have no reason for it. I was going to go out tonight if J Rock and Mr. Cyphere were doing Fridays but I’m gonna stay in, try to save money and do some cleaning and synth shopping online. I would really like to see them and Keg Leg soon though…I’m trying to save money but I miss everyone.

Adam—JAGER GUY—is gonna be back in Philly tomorrow and I may try to go to ABILENE and hang with him for a bit. We shall see. Free JAGER at least! Even though that stuff makes me cringe.
Damn…I still have to write about BHG…I have notes I should try to finish that up tonight…ok so now I have real goals. Rock’n’Roll.
++++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++++


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