
Why Can't I Kill You???

I have valium and clonazepam, and one vicodin.

I am drinking Black and Tan. It is Sunday and I actually accomplished organizing comix AND going to the grocery story.

JD is making egg salad. I have watched:
MONSTER--ok, totally propaganda for the feminist movement or some shite.
VELVET GOLDMINE--really good.
A TALE OF TWO SISTERS--Asian Cult Cinema, hard to piece together but kickass. really dug it.

I talked to Andy yesterday to make plans for Chi-Town. I'm also trying to set up a double date for me and JD and Mike Oeming and his wife.

I'm really really really thinking of asking JD to marry me. I might be purchasing the ring in September sometime.

Chi-Town is so close I can taste it and I can't wait.
My weekend was cool for the most part. I just wish it was Saturday so I could lounge about without the dread of monday on my shoulders.

That is all.
++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++


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