
*Juno 106—Mein Stolz Und Freude*

I have placed a bid on a synth—a JUNO 106—there was another sweet ROLAND that came with a hard case as well but after reading more about it I am gonna have go with the JUNO. In the way of vintage synths, it is still used today by A LOT of professional musicians. So it goes…

I’m bored. Bored at work is something that does not happen a lot these days so I’m taking full advantage. Adam—aka JAGER GUY—is texting me about going to ABLILENE tonight but my anxiety is fucking with my head. I couldn’t sleep last night. I kept waking up and it just sucked! Its like I can’t calm down and GOD DO I MISS MY TRANQS!!! I’ve just gotta make it till Saturday when I can pick up my Valium RX. Until then, SIBERIAN ROOT and sleeping pills it is!!!

Me and Frank (aka DaGetHighKnight) have been emailing back and forth all day. He has a blackberry ::sigh:: and he’s helping me with the synth shite since he’s so savvy at it. ç=alliteration is fun! He’s a very nice guy…and we seem to help each other with our respective mental disorders. ROCK!

I finished my BHG Review last night…thank god! It took me forever but I persevered and got it done. Tonight I’m not sure what I’m doing but I do believe it will involve dying my hair and lounging about. I’ll probably pass out @ 10pm from lack of sleep. I watched Ju-On again last night b/c I’m insane. It still makes me jump…its great! I was reading Kurt’s latest story on the bus this morning and that made me feel more like vomiting—but in a good way. He says that like Poe, he writes about stuff that creeps him out. Ugh…he writes about stuff that would creep anyone out. I have been totally digging all the stuff he’s passed along to me.

MILLAR is mos def a go…and THE ULTIMATES fucking rule…I read the whole series once and am about to embark on my second time, with an outline for each issue this time around. I have no idea how serious he is about this quiz but I want to be ready just in case…BENDIS! has not said yes or no to an interview. So I shall go prepared for that as well, but not really sure if things will turn out the way I hope. If not I know that Stuart would like to get some more exposure on our site. And he’s a rockin’ good time.

I should really email Alex A. about Toronto…just to make sure we’re still go with that. Would hate to get there and have no place to stay…yarrr~!

Alright, time to do a few masters and look busy.
++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


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