
Toronto Anyone?

I need a driving buddy to TORONTO (Andeelee may have the car space but I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have a back-up plan). Anyone want to go the last week in August????

If not, then I'm really thinking I will be a grown-up type of gal and drive meself...it might be fun...on my own and w/o a care in the world except CANADA and Con Geekdom???

I could do it...I will do it if need be. <===its in my BLOG, set in stone (until I edit it out).

Tonight we're watching BATTLE ROYALE. Tomorrow is practice and perhaps hanging with Stefan. Friday is SPIDERMAN PART DEUX. Saturday is work from 4-10pm. Sunday is the final edit of my column. Already got almost 2 full parts written.


++++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


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