
Toronto Con Coverage--theWRETCHED style

Let's recap...shall we?
So airports totally suck now. I would seriously prefer to drive to SDC next year instead of flying. I know we were going to another country and all but it was fucking gay. DAS FUHRER BUSH has made it annoying as all hell.
We didn't make it to TORONTO until 1-ish. So sleep was pretty much the only thing going on in my head.

I arose to JD's alarm Saturday morning and thought I would sleep longer but ended up waiting for the boyz (that would be JD and E-Mart) to get ze fuck outta the room so I could get ready. I made a complete impulse purchase of a OCC pink/black trucker hat at the PHL airport so I decided to pair that with my grey/pink shimmery skirt, jeans, and me miss kitty arm warmers. And off I went in search of the pirate rum and the coolest places in Toronto. The answer to both? QUEEN ST/KENSINGTON MARKET/CHINATOWN.

Oh yeah...con coverage. I got to the con around 1-ish (afternoon this time) and said my hellos to KOOP and STUART SAYGER. ANDEELEE was far away so I got something signed by CARY NORD and added him to the potential list of C.C.C.'s then E-Mart suggested we go shopping. HELLZ YEAH! We got a cab back to QUEEN St. and I bought:
FISCHERSPOONER-"EMERGE" single that I didn't have

I went into a ton of record shops looking for AC/DC and DURAN DURAN night versions of songs but came up empty handed. Me and E-Mart had a hella fun time just cruising the strip. We stopped a QUEEN SO-AND-SO's pub and had us a drink and some garlic bread, then headed back to the hotel. And so I waited...for the coming of THE LEE.

ANDY and his pal ALLAN arrived fashionably late, prolly close to 8. We got a ride over to VINNIE'S, where the con party was being held and I talked with ALLAN, CARY NORD, smoked me cuban and just enjoyed the scenery. There were alot of names there but I just was so happy to be hanging with THE LEE that I just chilled in one spot (outside--b/c you can't bloody smoke INSIDE!). E-Mart left us to get his groove on at a bar around the corner and that's when Ze Brickthrower, ANDELEE, and ALLAN took our leave of JD, KOOP and crew for some fun of our own.

Oh yes, my kittlings, I had a mission. I had to find JEREMIAH BULLFROGS, where J ROCK and MARK got engaged. And yes, I had been drinking, as we all had. So I got a little turned around, but was able to show A&A most of QUEEN ST., b/c its like SOUTH STREET but one hundred times better. We finally made it to JEREMIAH's, and then headed to the HORSESHOE for last call for alcohol, followed by more walking, then heading back to ANDEELEE's hotel for some guitar playing, talking and random shite.

Mr. Lee has lost his interior artist work for SAM AND TWITCH. So I'm making a FUCK TODD MCFARLANE sign right away.

I was thoroughly reemed out by JD the next day for not coming back to the hotel and being a big idiot. Which I totally deserved. B/c I was a bitch. But anyway, it was SUNDAY @ the con, and all was well. I ended up meeting my favorite TORONTO native, ALEXANDER AVELINO, who was hella cool, looks like USHER, and gave me the best. sticker. ever. (haha...I shall never tell~!). ALEX is an animator but is also a friendly guy who sculpts like a mofo and a style sense much like a guy named STUART SAYGER that I know. ANDELEE had been missed; you could tell by the people coming by and saying hello, asking how the drive was (everyone seemed to know that he was driving up for HOTLANTA for one day).

Oh yes, and I met RVD and he was a fucking cool guy. He asked about the comic shop and said he would try to check it out next time he was out that way. JD bought the pic with ROB VAN DAM for me, as well as an X-STATIX epilogue that inker CLARK put together. I will not read until the last issue comes out!!!!

JD's con coverage will no doubt be better! I will post a link when its up (he has WAY more pics too~!)

+++++++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++++++


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