
Things to do in Toronto when You're Dead...

I still need to put together my Master List of C.C.C. (cute comic creators) for Stuart and his g/f to peruse. I need to decide what I"m going to wear. I need to cross my fingers and pray to the gods of Pirate-dom that Sir Andeelee actually makes it to Canada. I have to finish my WHAT YOU SHOULD BE... by tonight.

My business cards were delivered but no one was bloody home to get them. I'm going to have them redelivered to work here tomorrow. I just used a template off some site but I totally dig it. I'll actually have my own cards to hand out in Toronto!

Practice with DA BAND went pretty well for the first time. I think that everyone is laid back and yet creative enough to do something stellar. And LX can sing which is always a plus after Joe's screeching in HANDIWAX. We were supposed to meet a perspective drummer though yesterday but his "truck kinda blew up." Ugh...this is going to be the hardest part, no doubt.

Shacky is getting me a pirate flag in VIRGINIA BEACH. Yarr! I can't wait to see it!!!

I didn't really post about my weekend--but basically I had a kickass time rockin out @ the TRAPPE YMCA with Little Johnny's band. I saw Jamil who went to TEMPLE with me, and hung with Krissy's lil sis named HELENA who was this 10 year old girl who was just Rokken Like Dokken! Hehe...I skanked like I was 16 again. It was insanity. Then we went and chilled @ J Rock's. I crashed @ Ms. Irate's because I was lazy and didn't want to go home.

I can't really think of anything else that is interesting. I'm ready to take a trip to TORONTO and comic book geek-dom.

++++++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


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