
All Hail Queen Mary, Ze Brickthrower and Ruler of The Pathetic...

I can't even say I'm wretched. I'm too pathetic to be wretched.

I'm overdrawn on my acct. again. AGAIN. I've had discussions about this with Frankie, Alex Cubed and JD about this and have decided to try to take a lesson from SOUNDGARDEN and
"burrow down in and
blow up the outside world" for awhile.
The method to my madness is this: next paycheck the only money I'm spending on entertainment will be on rum and then I'm gonna finish Mortal Kombat, do some movie/music reviews, write some music for Frankie to mess around with, and basically save my fucking money. I hate this shite. Seriously...being broke is so beat.

Have I mentioned how happy having a kitchen table has made me? I can read whilst eating dinner instead of sitting in front of the TV like a zombie. Its the little things...

I watched THE TESSERACT tonight to review. It was mos def an interesting movie. A little trite and obvious in its theme but the director (OXIDE PANG) used many different film styles which made for some contemplative viewing. I may need to watch certain scenes again--the whole film is circular and folds in on itself many times. So I think that he used different film for each of these flashbacks, or turnbacks if you will. The next 2 films I'm reviewing we have on DVD so that makes my life a little less cold (no going down in the basement for a couple hours). Me and JD did get downstairs tonight to file comics and I messed around with my JUNO. Got the I HEART HUCKABEES and SKY CAPTAIN posters up so JD dubbed my screening spot "THE CORNER OF JUDE". I may miss I HEART HUCKABEES in the theater but dammit if ALFIE is already GIRL PORN APPROVEDĀ© and I'm already so bloody there to see that one.

My DARICK ROBERTSON presidential interview is up: http://www.simplyjd.com <===do it. do it. do it. Alex Miller edited it. He's doing a kickass job so far--really making my life ALOT easier. Can't wait to start working on the C.C.C.

And now I ask: "WHAT YOU WAITIN FOR??? Take a chance you stupid ho." God what a great line.

J-Z bought my poor ass a black tie to complete my Halloween costume. Really, even if said costume party-goers have not seen KILL BILL, my sword is gonna make the outfit badass anyway. It better! Or else I'll cry. Or at least slice up Stefan's turntables. Actually if Ry and Stefan don't spin I'll be proper pissed. Ry's a CRAZY 88 as well, his sword is fake though. So I win. Even if I can't go to Drac's Ball I really think that this party should be hella fun. I'm hoping I can get one or 2 friends to come with me, but if not then I'll just bug the Brit Wayne b/c nothing occupies time better than listening to a British accent.

So yeah....i'm frisky. That's all I'll say. And I can't be more glad tomorrow is Friday. I have to write up a short proposal regarding the Sunday Con's for owner Nick. That will be my fun Friday night activity. Well that and watching myself fail over and over again @ Mortal Kombat Konquest mode. Honestly I haven't felt that social and I'm trying to save up any talk I have in me for Saturday. I have work and then the party and I want to have fun.

I wish I could tell if this one guy that I IM on YAHOO! is joking or he really just lives his life to get on my last nerve. I can never tell. We get all salty to each other but we just keep talking. Its like we're both gluttons for punishment (see Alex!? another of the 7 deadly sins. Oi! I have the LUST living dead doll--there's another! I just watched SE7EN I could do this all night!).

Ok, ACTION RADAR just came on and now I want to go to club so bad. Oi! NYC BIG APPLE CON in less than a month. That is gonna rule the hizzouse. KOOP is getting us a room, M! is gonna be there, so hopefully we can get some clubbing or extra curricular rum drinking with Frankie scheduled in there. I'm looking forward to con's again and I've only been outta the game for a couple months. Its addictive. Esp. b/c I just use it as an excuse to drink and smoke in excess. Like a fucking rock star, if only of the geek world.

I'm just rambling at this point...but I think I've covered everything that I've been missing. Stay tuned kittlings...I just keep on subsisting somehow.

+++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++


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