
Ryan Reynolds New picture on Myspace = THE HOTNESS

Don't believe my title? Click to see it in all its glory.

I had to put him @ #1 as long as he keeps that suit and beard. WOWZAS! He's a cutie.

I did some updating of my profile...mostly just switching things around in the ABOUT ME and INTERESTS section. Really that's about it.

I like my new profile photo b/c my glasses overshadow everything else. Who needs lips when you have black frames?

I am @ work, bored out of my skull. It has been slow which is just not something that usually happens. This makes my days go by at a snail's pace and for some reason I get very hungry when I don't have any work to concentrate on. Of course, I have no money so food is right out of the question until dinner time.

As of lunch yesterday (where I did manage to scarf down some sausage biscuit sandwiches), my very back tooth--you know, the one that is totally rotting out of my skull--started to really break off and crack. I was tasting pieces of enamel all day. It seems to have stopped as of this morning BUT now I can feel the inside of my mouth scraping against the jagged edges when I talk and stuff. "ew" you might say. Yep...you would be right.

I haven't properly spoken about BALTIMORE. I had a good time. Some highlights:
*I was reintroduced to CASSADAY by Jen (the gal that stayed in my room with me and is also an editor at Marvel), which was cool.
*I met PAUL POPE, and got my trade of HEAVY LIQUID signed.
*Stefan and I did not really hang at the usual lobby bar scene except for a bit on Friday nite. We just didn't have the cash to throw down. We did however take advantage of the hotel pool AND have a fun Saturday nite excursion to FELLS POINT, where we found a local bar with $1.50 PBR drafts and a pool table. After we closed out the bar and headed back to the hotel, we got totally lost and ended up on the wrong side of the river. I snuck under a fence and subsequently skinned my knee. *We took Greyhound to and from. DADDY, you were right! Greyhound is full of degenerates!!! Plus it is totally unreliable. We were an hour late getting down there and 3 hours late getting home.
*I am wondering if I really want to continue writing any journalism related to comic books after my lack of interest in this con. I AM SO CONFLICTED!!!
*I got HOWARD CHAYKIN's vitals, which is awesome b/c he is one kickass guy and communicating with him outside of the con scene could be fucking brilliant.

I am thinking of trying to shop around "WHAT YOU SHOULD BE...", my old column, around to sites. I kinda miss the flexibility that came with it. Either way, I am antsy. I can't decide what I want to do with my creativity that seems to be just under the surface, ready to come out. Somehow dammit, I'm gonna do something soon! Ambiguity is key.

Tonite I'm going to Philly Dave's to chill for a bit, get caught up on 52 and return some DVD's he loaned to me. I also got 2 issues of 52 signed for him by JG while I was at the con, which I'm sure he'll dig.

I got some money/debt stuff squared away last week. I don't want to talk about it too much b/c I feel like that's all i ever do regarding my finances (talk and complain). It's getting done, I am a bit relieved about it, nuff said.

This week started out with a total crash in my spirits, but I'm starting to come out of the haze. I took off monday b/c my stomach and my nerves were so bad. I am going to blame the weather change on my most recent bout with insanity.

I requested my review @ work on Tuesday and it's actually already done. I just need to go in and meet with my superiors for the run-down. But I'm hella glad that they took care of it ASAP. Keep your fingers crossed they reward me for a job well done.

I am going to write some lines now:
It is like a shock
to the system...seeing you smile
from behind fold out tables,
across bar stools,
stealing a glance past cigarettes.

I can't seem
to resign myself
to this state of truth
somehow I am awkward
in the area
that I know best

Remember when I used to shine?
Remember the hours I could manipulate time?
You used my talent
like I used yours.

Now I'm lost
my spell subsided
and broke down.
or else I have
cursed myself with lack of confidence.

Funny how if I just
felt for one second
that you still believed,
I would be able to stand again
and stave you off with not so much
as a sideways glance.

Actually...it's not funny at all to me.

CABLE UPDATE: HOUSE was good this past week; Dr. House is getting the limp back and popping Vikes again. BATMAN and THE AVENGERS were on HBO yesterday. BATMAN was my favorite film as a child, I know every bit of dialogue, especically the JOKER's lines. And while THE AVENGERS proves to be a pretty awful film, RALPH FIENNES as quintessential british gentleman JOHN STEED makes me a googly eyed. I have never found him as appetizing as in this film. It's gotta be the high-vested suits!
++++++++end of transmission++++++++


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