
Ze Brickthrower Returns!!!

Awww...so much to tell...the majority of which is in my con coverage.
http://www.simplyjd.com <===click it.

There is also the unfortunate falling out of chair accident which I'm not putting up on the site. Basically it went down like this: someone, let's call her Mary, was very drunk whilst helping ANDEELEE catalog items. Mary then decided to take a little break and watch some TV. Mary saw something on the floor (her memory is not good enough to remember exactly what this thing was) that struck her interest and proceeded to lean over and reach for it. Whereupon Mary falls over sideways from the chair and lands on her head at such an awkward angle that her neck looked FUCKED UP! David and Mr. Lee ran over to help the clumsy girl but she was ok, having received only a face and knee wound. A face wound that she would have to conceal with a skull cap the next day.

This did not stop Mary from bringing the extra bottle of wine to the show the next day and drinking through the show. Oh yeah, HUNTER S. THOMPSON should've been proud. But only time will tell as I get the feeling that my con coverage is too much different from JD's to get the same amount of hits. Tonight the biggest part of the coverage goes up, SUNDAY, where I did the most picture taking, panel-visiting and overall running around. It mos def made the hangover go away quick.

Alex Avelino was awesome as a host and a friend. His scooter was damn cool I want one so bad now!!! Just for space reasons, going past all kinds of traffic was NICE. I prolly looked like a complete geek riding the back of it but it was fun nonetheless.
Oh the HOTBOX CAFE was heaven. Sitting outside has never been so much fun. I ended up purchasing some supplies @ SHANTI BABA, another cool little shop that Alex showed me.
I didn't get to do the shoe/handbag/vinyl shopping that I wanted to, I did look at DVD's but had seen most of the ones I wanted already. At the show I got my RASPUTIN figure (disappointed about the fact that he doesn't have 2 different colored eyes, but oh well) and a red CHAOS! COMICS LUCIFER mini-bust to go with my black one. Yes, I'm that gay for CHAOS! and yes, I forgot it @ Ramon Perez's studio. Shucks.

I got home and just felt anxious. I saw GOREN and got prescribed a higher dosage of SYNTHROID and got my ZYRTEC refilled while I was at it. I got the first part of con coverage written and still had time to watch INNER SENSES, which was good except for the glossy/cheesy/girly ending like alot of the J-Horror seems to dig. I also got an email from someone in Australia who must've googled JU-ON b/c he just emailed to ask me about the movie and what the synopsis was. Fan mail from Australia cannot be a bad thing.

Oi! And I got my synth...and it rules the fucking school! Its huge and hella 80's--I absolutely LURVE it~XADE is on its way. Which reminds me I need to leave that guy some feedback...
++++++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++


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