
This weekend was insane. Insane is a strong word...busy with random errors and drunkeness? Yes, much better.

On Friday, I came home and took a shower before going out b/c it was hot as hell in work and I was rank. I met up with Kell at her cousin's house, and then we drove over to Bock's and hung out @ the GRAVEL PIKE for a bit with him. When we returned home from the bar, Kell left to go over to Little John's, so me and Bock watched The CKY Trilogy Remix. I got all kinds of shite from Bock when I asked for my record player back...but as a x-mas gift from my sis, I get total claim on that bad boy. I came back to Philly around 1:15 and met up with Ry The Scot and Sausalito @ Silk City, got charged FULL COVER even though there was less than 45 minutes left. I didn't get home until 3:30, JD was up but went to bed right as I came home. He lost his keys but we found out the next day that Eric had them so its all good. Oh and I got to see Bo which was toally stellar, even if she's quite the fatty these days...hehe.

Saturday I was EXTREMELY HUNG OVER even though I didn't get drunk the entire time, but was also consuming alcohol from about 9pm until 2am and that usually is enough reason for me to get nauseous and have my head pounding behind both my eyes like sledgehammers were being beat into my skull. I was up early though, and by 3pm I had already made 2 trips out for fast food (once to Burger King, then once to McDonalds b/c they forgot Mike's sandwiches and I felt bad) and Kell came by. Then Kell promptly realized she had forgotten her wallet. So we made the entire trip back to RoFo and back to South Philly, making it back only 20 minutes before Dana and Neary came to pick us up for the "PLEASURE PARTY" we went to, a sex toy demonstration @ this AMAZING BLOODY house in South Philly. It was pretty entertaining, followed by drinks @ MANNY BROWN's and calls to various people/text messages to various people.

Kell left at 9am and I was up early again with a headache, but this one went away in an hour luckily. JD woke up and wanted to get to the grocery store which luckily energized me enough to clean the house today. I still have the bathroom to finish, but I'm waiting till later to get that done. I just made food but finished half and now I'm full. I dropped off my prescriptions today...but couldn't get either filled. arrrr!

++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++


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