
Back again, not even ten minutes was it? I don't know...just bored, or afraid to move. One of the two is definite. I'm upset I can't download music anymore. I tried to sign onto one of those legal sites and ended up getting charged twice some astronomical amount, thus overdrafting my account. Luckily, I got the bank to refund me the overdraft charge and eventually the site said I'll get a refund in 8-10 days. Too late losers; you f**ked (can I curse? hehe) up my whole spending week!

I've been bad the past 2 days at work. I've been going over to THE VEGAS just to get away. Sure, its prolly nice that I'm out of the office, but that also means, I'm sitting @ a bar drinking and smoking my entire lunch hour. Not drinking like a fish, just having a drink and pretending like I'm done for the day. I used to like my job so much. It scares me that its only really been about a year and a half and I'm starting to freak out. I've become more fragile to the job rather than tougher. How the hell does that happen???

I was supposed to be writing my monthly article for my web site tonite, but I just don't feel creative. I feel tired, worn through, tread upon, achy, and tense. The typing of this stupid entry is making my hands hurt. Too much like the motions I perform over and over again in work with machine-like precision. Except a really clumsy, silly machine that is efficient but doesn't pay real attention to detail. That would be me ::raises hand::

I missed talking to my mommy today. I'm trying not to call her. I feel like I depend on her for too much support. And I'm quite sure she feels the same way. Plus I just want to whine to her about my job. Which is prolly why this site was created...in the end...for people to bitch about something.

++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++


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