
Oh how I wanted to write this morning...words were coming a mile a minute but the creative urge was lost on countless bookings and plant releases. After talking to my mom, who is trying to adopt my little "sister" (niece to the legal system), I was ready to write a novel about the trouble she is having with the biological parents (one of my older sister's and some random redneck). But now...nothing. Its all gone. Work exhausts to the point of THE NEED to do absolutely nothing. I'm such a slacker. I answered and email and I feel like I did something useful. I got that look of disapproval from Lefty tonite when I made another attempt to get out of writing my column for this month. I feel like I'm disappointing my father when he does that. Its just me and my insecure delusions. I wish I was stronger (I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller...)

So Mr. Joves got tickets to a sneak preview of HELLBOY. So my plans next week have gone all topsy turvy. I was supposed to go to KILDARES on monday with Mr. Cypher and Ms. Irate, along with Sausalito and possibly Keg-Leg. But alas, I have to see if we can move it to Tuesday. Wednesday is WINK. And that is all that matters. ;-) If its at 65 degrees outside I will be even happier.

++++++++++++++end of transmission+++++++++++++++


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