
PLEASE! Bury me with it!

The SKULL KILL CREW is readying THE BELOVED SIDNEY for our voyage to the shores of B-More, estimated time of arrival set @ 8:30pm. The plan is to call M! and Marc and have them swing by first before we head over to ESPN ZONE, sports bar yes, but easy to get to and readily accessible to all parties involved. Drinking, debauchery and rum will ensue! I think everyone @ this godforsaken job, not to mention Keg to Da Leg, is ready for some vacation and inebriation.

This con is my first that requires NO WORK from me. Of course I’ll be working it like a Red Light District Ho, trying to make some new contacts and further establishing the ones I”ve already made. CHAYKIN is in my sights munny-penny, and is my main objective this weekend. I just read BLACK KISS last night and although I wouldn’t call it MY FAVORITEST comic ever…I would say that it was beyond naughty and evil but that’s what made it good.

My NYC Pal Frank’s birthday is this weekend so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! DRINK LOTS OF RUM FOR ME!!!!!!!!! I’ll be doing the same for you.

J to the RIZZY is getting married on the 18th so congrats to the (p)IRATE ONE as well!!!!!!!! J I’m not far behind ye in that department.

I have more birthday pictures but I’ve been working like a mutha to prepare the Stuart interview that didn’t go up (a couple factors led to this) but I hope to play catch up in the coming weeks as we have no cons planned until mid-November. My review and my vacation are coming up soon and I can’t wait. Any time spent away from Hell, I mean work, is GOOD TIME.

Shacky moved back home—no DISNEYWORLD in October, and I just got my nails done. That is all.
+++++++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++++++++


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